A good reason to move to Mohawk

Illinois taxes a corporation based on the percentage of sales made to Illinois customers. They no longer include Illinois payroll or property when calculating the percentage of income to be taxed by the state. As such, it would do no good for a company to move its corporate HQ to Wisconsin unless they want to abandon their Illinois customer base, which is unlikely. And, yes, I am a CPA who is heavily involved in corporate taxation.


Active member
Wow, I haven't had a raise in years, because they said I already make too much. Then this year they cut my pay. Now these gov. officials, are going to take more out of my check!?
Oh yeah, medical went way up, and my property tax's will be well over 4000 a year!
I love Illinoys
Forgot to add, my car insurance is going up, to cover all the wrecks in the Chicago area.
Thanks for letting me bitch a little.
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New member
Im getting the best of both worlds, not only living in Illinois but also living in cook county, we have the highest taxes in the country, another thing that sucks is that we are on the wrong side of the lake, no L.E.S.


Illinois taxes a corporation based on the percentage of sales made to Illinois customers. They no longer include Illinois payroll or property when calculating the percentage of income to be taxed by the state. As such, it would do no good for a company to move its corporate HQ to Wisconsin unless they want to abandon their Illinois customer base, which is unlikely. And, yes, I am a CPA who is heavily involved in corporate taxation.

Didn't know that. Why then do companies move to places like South Dakota for "tax reasons"? BTW, not challenging you at all, I would like to understand better.

I am talking headquarters, not sales offices, customers not affected.


New member
The Governor from Wisconsin has been watching this tax Hike. He was on the news yesterday saying that Wisconsin is open for business come on up.I really do hate IL.
Wisconsin Governor

Yeah we're open for business!! Unless you want to use federal dollars to build a railway. Then get the **** out. He's gonna make something like 250,000 jobs, but first we must stop the railway!!