A Halo Around the Moon?


Does it really mean snow is on the way? We've had it for the past couple nights in Indiana. Any truth to the meteorological folklore? History of snow to follow after this event?


Staff member
Most weather folklore is based on some kind of scientific phenomena, although like all weather prediction tools, weather folklore is not always 100% correct.

This specific one is based on the fact that many cold weather precip events happen as warmer air overrides the colder air near the surface. This overrunning as it is called can lead to clouds called alto stratus and cirrostratus. These are clouds that are made up with tiny ice crystals and are usually thin enough to allow the light from the moon (or sun) to get through them. The ice crystals cause some of the light to be reflected and refracted and cause the halo you see to occur. Sort of the same way a rainbow is caused by light reflected and refracted by water droplets.

So, getting back to the predictive element of halos, the alto stratus and cirrostratus can form on the leading edge of a developing storm system and because they are more common in the cold season can forbear a weather system that bring snow.



me and the dog went out to pee last night at midnight, I meant the dog, it was bright out and a huge halo around the moon. John, I nave never anticipated a Monday forecast like this one. Unfortunately I need to run to Ontonagon right now for work and wont see what's in store for hrs,,,your killin me man!!


Staff member
Lenny, the forecast was updated at a little after nine am this morning. You probably have to refresh the pages.



yup, refresh,,,,:rolleyes:. I ws hoping to see some pink in our area,,,,oh well!