A question about your birthday

Hi John,
I just had to tell you that your birthday is the day after mine. A few years in between but a day after. Now for the question. When your birthday falls on a Friday, Friday the 13th, do you take extra steps to keep the superstitions at bay or do you just see it as another day? Over the last 20 or so years I have only left the house on Friday the 13th once or twice and last years Friday the 13th in February was the best day of my life. My first and only child was born on that day. It was and still is the happiest day of my life. The only last time I was out on a Friday the 13th was when I was working as a Bus Boy at a restaurant when I was 16 and I was taking the garbage out and the bartender had put a broken glass in the trash and didn't bother to tell anyone and I almost cut the entire tip of my index finger on my left hand off. That is why I choose to stay inside.


Staff member
Hi Todd.

I am not a superstitious person at all. Never even really thought about it when my birthday fell on a Friday.



New member

Not really superstitious either, but did burn up a dirt bike and about 9 acres of slough grass on Friday the 13th,. Luckily we got it under control by disking up the soil in front of the fire, saving two farm buildings. The volunteer fire department showed up in time to watch it burn out and to make sure it didn't jump. Still cost my dad a pig roast (we were hog farmers), what a blast!.

I think of this EVERY Friday the 13th.


New member
my husband and his dad wa sborn on friday the 13 th and the same month different years of course lol I am one lucky woman to have them in my life. Sad though my father in law is not with us anymore He was a great guy