Adding 12v plug


New member
My uncle had an 08 crossfire and he bought a kit from dennis kirk.. they are veey usefull to have. I have one for my gps and also anything else i want to plug in. I know he didnt spend alot so id check there website out


Active member
I had to put on a rectifier on my sled first, then hook up the plug to that. Works great, bought it from a guy on this site, near hampton, mn.


Active member
Related Question

My sled is pre wired for an electric shield. I don't have one and will never use one. Right now, it's just an extra cord dangling from the handlebars.

Is there a way for me to "convert" that into a cigarette style plug to charge my phone, GPS, etc? I have no idea what voltage it puts out or how to check it.
