AirVenture in Oshkosh Day 3


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We probably set an Attendance Record today. We won't know the numbers until next week, but it sure looked and felt like a record crowd. Wednesday's are a busy day anyway due to the afternoon air show, nighttime show, and then fireworks. There were times the staff was overwhelmed and by the time I left I was ready for a hot shower, dinner, and a cocktail. So, on with the photos from Wednesday near Oshkosh B'Gosh.

This one needs no introduction.

It's what pilots eat for breakfast and I'll have what he's having!

A Pin Up Girl from the 40's. Grampa would be proud! Grandma, not so much. Wait that IS Grandma!

Same plane without the girl.

And the last one for today, the partner to our B17 in the European Theater, the British Lancaster bomber.



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The Corsair with the lady on it has the name Lt. Col. Ken Walsh USMC on the side of the cockpit. Lt. Col. Ken Walsh shot down 20 Japanese planes in less than 5 months over the Solomon Islands and beyond. This made him the first Corsair Ace and earned him the Medal of Honor. Wow.