All Keeweenaw trails open this year?


Well-known member
Last year, if I remember right, one of the loops in the Keeweenaw was closed. I think the cause may have been wetlands that didn't freeze up or owner issues, and that there was talk of a reroute. Just curious what the status was of this. Seems like the area could really use that extra loop to give riders some more options once you're all the way up there.

Can't wait to get up there either way!


Well-known member
I think the area you are referring to is the trail from Gay to Lac LaBelle. This section of trail has alway's had some issues, if it's not Logging, it's too wet. I may be speaking out of turn, but, Right now I think that section is closed again due to logging.-Mezz


It was the trail from Gay to Lac Labelle. It was open but then the bridge over a creek washed out or something. I remember riding through there before they closed it and it was a mess by that bridge. Had to skip the creek to get by. Closed shortly after that and I dont think it reopened again. I cant speak for this year though.


Staff member
It looks like the Gay to Lac La Belle trail will be open this season. It is not open right now, but the beaver dam under the bridge was removed this autumn (along with the beaver, I believe). The tree tops that the logger was using as rafting have all been picked up and it looks like a land owner has allowed us easement for one more season.

We are working on moving this trail inland a bit to higher (better) ground. Could not get all the ducks in a row for this season.
