This from: FiveThirtyEight Newsletter:
And here's your chance at $30,000:
100 petabytes
Techies used to talk about the "sneakernet":
In an earlier era, it was sometimes faster to transfer large amounts of data by physically walking the drive to its destination, rather than sending it over the internet. Later, it sometimes made sense to put a computer server in your carry-on luggage rather than sending a terabyte of data across the country. Now, sneakernet has achieved its final form: Amazon Web Services has introduced Snowmobile, which is a tractor trailer that can hold up to 100 petabytes of data.
Amazon will literally drive a tractor trailer to your data center, upload 100 petabytes over the course of like a week, and haul it away for backup elsewhere. [See (click →) Motherboard]
And here's your chance at $30,000:
No sh**!<http:"" click="" 8261175.34602="" ahr0cdovl3d3dy5zzmdhdguuy29tl3dlaxjkl2fydgljbguvtkftqs13awxslwdpdmutew91ltmwltawmc1pzi15b3uty2fulxnvbhzllxrozwlyltewnjq3nzk2lnboca="" 57e30db12ddf9c66ccd49413b1ac593f7=""></http:>NASA has put out a solicitation for solutions to the oldest problem civilization has known: how to handle poop.
Basically, they need a way to keep urine and feces away from astronauts for at least 144 hours in microgravity. The current solution is diapers. The winners can get up to $30,000 and presumably the eternal gratitude of future spacefarers able to maintain their first dignity while in orbit. [See (click →) SF Gate]