well, this is what I use with great results. (shadetree sells it too, in Catalog #153) so don't bash if it is the same thing you don't like. I bought mine at Sturgis last summer. Zooke Z-Spritz Anti-fog spray. The Zcloth and Z-wax work awesome to. Very happy. the Z-wax removed or filled the scratches on my goggle lenses.
polarisrider1: My Shadetree came yesterday. Does this stuff work in winter temps? If you think I should try on my glasses I wll give it a try with my BRP modular helmet. Just gave up & don't wear glasses due to fogging & freezing. Ok during day but night riding is difficult when leading.
You could use the shaded visor on your crosstec instead of the sunglasses. Its a nice feature of the helmet. Missed you this weekend trails held up good thru Saturday night, and the brat fry was a riot.