any opinions on Island Park Utah


New member
a group of us Midwest guys are heading out west this year looking for destinations recommended by people that have been there. if you have opinions like lodging sled rentals Exedra let me know please.


New member
Island park/West Yellow Stone (pretty much the same riding area) is a fantastic place to ride that offers plenty of all types of riding. I think it has more of a midwest trail riding feel and is perfect for a group that wants to go west but may not have the equipment or experience for a totally off trail vacation. Though it offers some of the best off trail available, if you (or part of your group) find you're not prepared or just want to take a scenic ride and have lots of pit stop options, it's perfect. Trails can get beat but if you check the grooming schedules and reports (available through the West Yellowstone Chamber of Commerce) You can ride smooth trails.


New member
Hard to get lost there. It is the Disneyland of off trail. You never lose that warm comfy feel. Great place to start out off trail. Hit two top and think you seen it all.... Not. Been there 3 times (no on giving up the good stuff).