Any septic guys out there?


Active member
Just wondering if anyone in the "buiz" can point me in the right direction. I have a Delta model 80 air pump in need of new diaphragms. I am seeing prices of $100 for rebuild kits, which include 2 rubber diaphragms, 2 plastic covers and a tiny plastic safety screw. This just seems like INSANE highway robbery!! Wondering if there is a wholesaler or another source I can get these parts from, or if I just have to bend over and grab my ankles??


Did you try Fruegesons in Mundelein? Plumbers warehouse. I'll check there tomorrow for ya, otherwise I can ask my buddy who I pay astronomical money to, for my aerator quarterly checkups.


Active member
You get the parts for the Aerator?

Yeah, found them on E-Bay for $69.00. Still way over priced for what it is IMO. My Dad was a plastics engineer, so I have some idea about the cost of material in these types of things. My conservative estimate, is its somewhere around $1.50 worth of material. Pretty big profit margin!!

I think I'm in the wrong business. Who knew there was so much money in s h i t ?!!!


$1.50 worth of material that's made in a 150k machine. So I can see a little on the price point, but that's a little extreme. You thinks that bad, our company has to have every gas service camered that's installed via directional bore. The crew with the camera charges $500 an hour, and we have to use them everyday for at least 8 hours a day.

I'm glad you got your bubbler fixed.


Active member
yup, I understand there are production costs also, but that same 150k machine can be used to make many different parts too. I don't have a problem with a company making a profit, just seems a profit in the 6000% range might pushing the boundry of "gouging" ! LOL.

Oh well, 'tis what it 'tis I guess.


New member
yup, I understand there are production costs also, but that same 150k machine can be used to make many different parts too. I don't have a problem with a company making a profit, just seems a profit in the 6000% range might pushing the boundry of "gouging" ! LOL.

Oh well, 'tis what it 'tis I guess.

If the s#*t is running downhill again then I would say the price was well worth it!