any vitamins out there to help with arthrittis pain?


New member
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there is any kind of vitamin out there I could take to help my arthrittis pain? If any one answers this thank you Have a nice day and I don't with this kind of pain on anyone THINK SNOW + ROCK + ROLL + FUDGE!!!! :p


Active member
… if there is any kind of vitamin out there I could take to help my arthrittis [sic] pain?
I dunno about arthrittis [sic], :D but …

After struggling through 36 sessions of cardiac rehab with significant pain in the er… um… right hip, then I spent several weeks with several doctors, investigating a possible recurrence of one or more ruptured lumbar disks, It turns out the spine is fine, but I finally got an answer: Arthritis … of the right hip, with the x-rays revealing bone-to-bone contact in the hip joint. The next question from the "orthopod": "How soon do you want to do the hip replacement?" Oh Joy! Not any time soon!

Well, by pure coincidence, while hobbling around the local COSTCO store, looking for a chondroitin/glucosamine combo, I stumbled upon a slightly different "dietary supplement" that sounded like it might have some potential. Well I must tell you that I generally don't think much of "dietary supplements", which are often little better than "snake oil", but holy sox, this stuff is amazing, after a few weeks, no more searing, excruciating pain! Still a bit of a limp, more like one leg is shorter than the other, and still a very stiff right leg; it's all I can do to bend the leg enough to get a sock on it, or to tie a shoelace. But the pain is gone! FWIW, the product is Schiff® Move Free ADVANCED TRIPLE STRENGTH (GLUCOSAMINE, CHONDROITIN, UNIFLEX®, JOINT FLUID). [Link provided for product identification only.] Of course as the saying goes, "your mileage may vary".

It seems the "golden years" are over rated. That "gold" is starting look a bit rusty, as are a few body parts!


Well-known member
Cellebrex works great for me but $350 for 90 is too expensive. If you have group insurance with copay for drugs you will luv the stuff 1 a day. Just not affordable for me so do without & take Lortabs when pain killer. Arthritis NOT going to stop me just work thru it. It is the stoping that hurts me when I tighten up better to for me to stay active. Also wear braces for knees & back & ride like I'm 25 years old worry about the pain after the ride & manage it that way.


Active member
Wifes a nurse, and told me to tell y'all to look for some Emu Oil. I guess it's kinda hard to find, but we have seen some at craft fairs and such. She say's it works, but kinda sounds like the old snake oil to me.
She is a great nurse though.


New member
I have Rhuematoid Arthritis and told the wife I need a new snow machine with power steering strictly for medical reasons.

And that is how the fight started!