… if there is any kind of vitamin out there I could take to help my arthrittis [sic] pain?
I dunno about
arthrittis [sic],
but …
After struggling through 36 sessions of cardiac rehab with significant pain in the er… um… right hip, then I spent several weeks with several doctors, investigating a possible recurrence of one or more ruptured lumbar disks, It turns out the spine is fine, but I finally got an answer:
Arthritis … of the right hip, with the x-rays revealing bone-to-bone contact in the hip joint. The next question from the "orthopod": "How soon do you want to do the hip replacement?" Oh Joy! Not any time soon!
Well, by pure coincidence, while hobbling around the local COSTCO store, looking for a chondroitin/glucosamine combo, I stumbled upon a slightly different "dietary supplement" that sounded like it might have some potential. Well I must tell you that I generally don't think much of "dietary supplements", which are often little better than "snake oil", but
holy sox, this stuff is amazing, after a few weeks,
no more searing, excruciating pain! Still a bit of a limp, more like one leg is shorter than the other, and still a very stiff right leg; it's all I can do to bend the leg enough to get a sock on it, or to tie a shoelace.
But the pain is gone! FWIW, the product is
Schiff® Move Free ADVANCED TRIPLE STRENGTH (GLUCOSAMINE, CHONDROITIN, UNIFLEX®, JOINT FLUID). [Link provided for product identification only.] Of course as the saying goes, "your mileage may vary".
It seems the "golden years" are over rated. That "gold" is starting look a bit rusty, as are a few body parts!