Anybody keep old sled mags?


Well-known member
I am looking for the december 2003 issues of snow goer. I am actually in that issue and want one for a keepsake but all i have is one page torn out of that issue with the what's hot/what's not part with me in it.......Thanks!!!

P.S. I already emailed snowgoer and they don't keep issues that old


Well-known member
If you don't find it here, put a want ad on Chances are you will find it there. A few years ago I was looking for an issue from around 1980, and I found it there.


Well-known member
Did you find the issue, if not, nice jump! But it looks like they got the state wrong.


Well-known member
That's me in the top right. "High flyin powder hound" Yup, My 15 minuetes of fame and they got the state wrong. The funny thing about this page is that if you look at the what's not, Where it says "no, go over, not through the snowback" tom christian. that's my buddy. Those two pictures were taken about 100 yards from each other and about 5 minutes apart. I was jumping out of a small river bed. My buddy took the pic and then decided it was his turn, so he went looking for a spot and gave it a go. I just about peed myself when he slammed the bank and went over the bars. What you can't see in the pic is that the skis broke through the ice thus preventing us from being able to drag the sled straight back and i didn't pack a shovel back then. It took us over and hour to get it out..

P.S. Thanks arctic1 for diggin it up and sending it!!!
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Well-known member
Glad you got it from arctic1. That is a cool story about you and your friend and then to both end up on the same page, makes it even better. When I saw the post last week I had just been at my moms just the week before and opened a drawer in my old room found a few old Snowgoers. This one was one that I happened to save it. I think I saved it because of the a few of the write ups. One on how to Sync your carbs, and the Vacation Gide. Page 165 even mentions "How fit in with the Locals" in the UP. #3 is "Become a devote" Think I got that one checked off my list!
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