anyone freeze or see snow?


Well-known member
Last night they were calling for freeze or frost warning in the north and northwest part of state, anyone see any snow flakes? do you think this year white gold may come early? what's the earliest people have seen first snow?


Active member
August 10 2020. Top of Pikes Peak. Wife and I were there. Snow falling.

Kids played in snow at Daisy Pass Cooke City end of July. Snow on ground, not falling.


Killing frost here on Monday night and Tuesday night. What is left of my garden is smoked. Either that or it got the Rona.


Active member
Srt20, I was on Pikes peak August 11th, they said it snowed earlier in the day and on the 10th.

It was 88* at the bottom and low 40's and snowing up top. Was awesome.

I found out where my limit was for elevation. 13k I was starting to feel it. The top 14K+, my wife said my face was turning purple.

And I sled in the Rockies every year. Been out there 30 or so times in the last 10 years. Though highest I have ridden is probably 11.5k-12k.