Anyone put plugs is a Chrysler 3.8?


New member
Has anyone put spark plugs in a 2005 3.8 Chysler Town & Country? How do you get to the rear 3 cylinders? I can't even see the **** things so I am not sure what it is going to take to get them out. Any help would be appreciated from the John Dee army (you have not let me down yet).


New member
you just have to feel for them.being a contortionist helps also.good luck,you will feel like youu acomplished somthing when you are done

Team Elkhorn

We've had three Chrysler mini vans over the years, loved them. Not so much changing their plugs. As michaeladams said, you'll feel you accomplished something when your done. However i must confess that I cheated. I used the lift at work to get the back plugs. ;)


New member
Not sure about your case. But on a Pontiac Grand pix, you could loosen the top engine stabilizing bar and roll the engine forward. On a Ford Taurus, you have to take the intake plennum off. Nice job engineers. Good luck.


New member
Thanks for telling me what I didn't want to hear Ha Ha! I guess I will start my streching, bending and cursing exercises today to prepare. Maybe I can get my 4 year old boy to help, he has small flexible arms;). Thanks for the input.