Anyone wating for there sled yet?

Anyone waiting for there new sled yet? I snowchecked my rush last spring first one to snowcheck but last to get there sled. they came in last week friday so over 10 days ago and still no phone call. I went up there monday and they said they have one sled to go yet. well that one sled to go is mine. just a little frusterated i guess over the situation. but what can you do must be busy....


New member
If you were the first to snowcheck why are you not the first one to get it?!?! Not that I would be complaining but I think a little discussion of being slighly disapointed with that kind of service might get you a little free stuff...
I know that what I was thinking. haha I was just curious if they go by first come first serve most dealers but obviously not. Luckily we dont have snow yet or I would be furious. I am hoping to get a phone call today but i have been hoping for the past week.


Active member
<font color="0000ff">"…curious if they go by first come first serve …"</font>
Maybe it's a "LIFO" queue?
see i thought they had up to 10 days thats why i was curious cause the 10 days have passed i mean come tomorrow its been 14 total days.


New member

As fas as the "learn as they go & get better at it", thats kind of like all the manufactures as (pun intended).


Well-known member
Marty: I used to attend Doo dealer racer assembly night for doo race sleds. More for the beer & laughs as I never had a race sled but was good friends with Doo dealer. They would line up all the sleds & give instructions then as time passed & sleds were assembled short cuts emerged. Also some things went together halfasss backwards too. All in all in a fun night.


New member
I bought a spring order on November 13th and they said my sled had to be registered by October 31st since it was a spring only sled. So for warranty issues mine started before I even bought the sled. Is that even fair or correct? Im picking it up in about 20 hours!


Well-known member
I thought I read something on Dootalk about the spring ordered sleds. That if they were not registerd the dealer had to start the warranty or pay a fee.


Well-known member
Registration by my dealer was always part of my deal.Pay the tax get the sticker no problems.Ride on the temp form for a while. Only hassled once in 96 by WI DNR on afternoon ride with wife on brand new sled. Talked him into calling dealer on my cell phone to ID me since I forgot paperwork. He let me off but spoiled the fun. Wife pissed gave me the LOOK turned around rode home.


Active member
I want the sled at my house before they start to deduct time off of my warranty, or at least on my trailer. Whitedust, sometimes it seems as if no matter what we do, they are not happy, are they?


New member
Polarisrider1... thanks for the reminder, you were correct, as stated per the Polaris 2010 Snow Check Program Rules, it specifically states "Guaranteed delivery of 800 RMK models by Nov 15th 2009. If any 800 RMK model snow checked is not delivered to the selling dealer by Nov. 15th 2009, the snow check customer will receive from Polaris $1000 rebate in addition to the snow check program options".

We still haven't received our new 2010 sleds as of today (haven't shipped to any dealer yet, therefore not delivered to us yet either). I am not publicizing this to bash Polaris at all, they are a great company that produces great products, and have and will continue to, for many years (with exception of my 2009 800 RMK that was I just don't want anyone else to get stuffed on the supposed "guaranteed delivery date promise" like we currently are. The area DSM (no names) is REFUSING to give us (two of us, one sled each) the cash back due to the dealer we ordered from (again no names) sold out to another which was finalized in November. We realize that is an unfortunate and unforseen situation, however, we are just wanting them to follow THEIR 2010 SNOW CHECK PROGRAM RULES which they PROMOTE AND ADVERTISE, which we saw and agreed to last March when we snow checked/ordered. We were also told we could take delivery at dealer of our choice if/when dealership sale went through (and it did). This did not happen nor did we receive any communication from anyone regarding the situation. It was also mentioned "there's no snow up north or out west" as to justification for the delayed delivery. I will not comment further on that statement (out of line, unprofessional, and unacceptable answer for the situation). Again, my intent is not to bash anyone, Polaris or anything, I just don't want this to happen to anyone else in the future. We waited very patiently, made only two calls all fall, in early Oct and early Nov, to check on things and were told nothing specific as to the situation except for "we will notify you". The DSM however did agree to possibly try and cut us "some other kind of deal" with parts, accessories, etc which will probably not total the $1000 each. I just want everyone (customers AND dealers) to use this as a learning experience, as unfortunately more and more small dealers are closing up and selling out these days, due to the uncertain economic times. Where is the accountability on the Company's behalf and concern for the customer here? They should man up, admit fault and error, get to the root cause of the problem, take corrective action to prevent from happening again, and give us the $1000 rebate (each) on the sleds we have coming PER THEIR ADVERTISED PROGRAM RULES.
Picked it up tonight boy it sure looks sharp in person. im not gonna lie seing it in the mags an stuff she looked ugly but way different. i like it ill get sum pics up soon

Deleted member 10829

I was in Sioux Falls today on business and stopped at a big Polaris dealer here to see the RUSH. I was really impressed! It's the best fit and finish I've ever seen from Polaris. I love whatever that seat is made out of. Now, if they will only make a good trail cruiser for next year, I'm in! (Providing the first year results are good!