Arctic Cats



I know you have the latest AC, and I've read that you really like yours, I'm wondering if you had any issues with yours. I hear alot of people on this site say they love them and others say they have had lots of issues, like bent tunnels, reverse issues and so on, I would be looking at the 800 LXR for trail riding, I trust you opinion so let me know your thoghts good or bad.




Staff member
I do like mine and so far no issues. I have about 750 miles on it, so perhaps that is not enough to make them materialize, or I just got lucky. I have heard about issues with the new platform, none of them that I have heard of were too major and sort of expected with a new platform. The biggest complaint I heard was about belts blowing, but the dealer up here seemed to think it was a belt issue and not sled issue as belts were blowing on all the models, not just one.

Anyway, I would think that the majority of any issues related to the freshman year for the platform will be addressed for next season. Seems to happen a lot with all brands. First year hiccups and then fixes for the next year.

I guess the bottom line is I had the fortunate choice of getting rid of the trusty 09 M8 and giving this 2012 back, or keeping it and selling the 09 and I sold the 09. So far no regrets! :)



so, I am guessing you were pleased with the way it performed out west? Were you able to try a Polaris too when you were out there?


Staff member
Yes, I was pleased with how it did. With my bum leg, I could not really give it too much of a workout and did not even try the Polaris sleds, but wished I could have in both cases. I did seem to think it wanted to trench a bit more than the M's and after reading comments in the latest Snowest magazine, seems my ideas were correct. I hope to be able to correct the trenching issue for next season.


Deleted member 10829

Skylar commented on a post that he tried John's sled out west and liked it!