Here's are two questions I'd love some input on.
Somebody not so long ago determine that the universe was started by a tiny spec of dense matter that exploded,hence the Big Bang Theory. Since that initial explosion the theory claims that the universe has been expanding at the speed of light. There is a very basic rule supposedly used to justify all physics and engineering equations, I think? That rule is "With every action there is a equal and opposite reaction". How you ask, does this tie into the big bang theory. Question #1 If the action of the big bang is expansion, what is the reaction? Question #2. If the universe is expanding at the speed of light, what is it expanding into? And what is it displacing?
I know there are some brilliant minds that visit this site everyday. Can anybody help me? I'm loosing mind just trying to comprehend what I just wrote. I'm jonesing for a snow fix, Help!