Are we all on edge?


Now how bout this thread idea. It is meant to poke some fun at ourselves. I have just one question to ask myself and a two word response. Maybe we could all post a short answer to the almighty question relating to a lack of riding.

What does low snow make me do?

my answer : GO WACKO

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Here's are two questions I'd love some input on.

Somebody not so long ago determine that the universe was started by a tiny spec of dense matter that exploded,hence the Big Bang Theory. Since that initial explosion the theory claims that the universe has been expanding at the speed of light. There is a very basic rule supposedly used to justify all physics and engineering equations, I think? That rule is "With every action there is a equal and opposite reaction". How you ask, does this tie into the big bang theory. Question #1 If the action of the big bang is expansion, what is the reaction? Question #2. If the universe is expanding at the speed of light, what is it expanding into? And what is it displacing?

I know there are some brilliant minds that visit this site everyday. Can anybody help me? I'm loosing mind just trying to comprehend what I just wrote. I'm jonesing for a snow fix, Help!
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New member
kamikaze bros..universe

Here's are two questions I'd love some input on.

Somebody not so long ago determine that the universe was started by a tiny spec of dense matter that exploded,hence the Big Bang Theory. Since that initial explosion the theory claims that the universe has been expanding at the speed of light. There is a very basic rule supposedly used to justify all physics and engineering equations, I think? That rule is "With every action there is a equal and opposite reaction". How you ask, does this tie into the big bang theory. Question #1 If the action of the big bang is expansion, what is the reaction? Question #2. If the universe is expanding at the speed of light, what is it expanding into? And what is it displacing?

I know there are some brilliant minds that visit this site everyday. Can anybody help me? I'm loosing mind just trying to comprehend what I just wrote. I'm jonesing for a snow fix, Help!
I feel I am very qualified to answer both questions(37 yrs in butcheroligy &37 yrs married)so here I go to all that will read!!!!233238078$*%%***(($$*())y()Yi4!@@`~%68*0 AND NOW MY HEAD hurts....LOL..COME ON SNOW....MEATHEAD


New member
Here's are two questions I'd love some input on.

Somebody not so long ago determine that the universe was started by a tiny spec of dense matter that exploded,hence the Big Bang Theory. Since that initial explosion the theory claims that the universe has been expanding at the speed of light. There is a very basic rule supposedly used to justify all physics and engineering equations, I think? That rule is "With every action there is a equal and opposite reaction". How you ask, does this tie into the big bang theory. Question #1 If the action of the big bang is expansion, what is the reaction? Question #2. If the universe is expanding at the speed of light, what is it expanding into? And what is it displacing?

I know there are some brilliant minds that visit this site everyday. Can anybody help me? I'm loosing mind just trying to comprehend what I just wrote. I'm jonesing for a snow fix, Help!

Global warming (like melting) plus volcanic reactions (like deflating a balloon) therefore creating contraction. Actually, don't have a clue!


Here's are two questions I'd love some input on.

Somebody not so long ago determine that the universe was started by a tiny spec of dense matter that exploded,hence the Big Bang Theory. Since that initial explosion the theory claims that the universe has been expanding at the speed of light. There is a very basic rule supposedly used to justify all physics and engineering equations, I think? That rule is "With every action there is a equal and opposite reaction". How you ask, does this tie into the big bang theory. Question #1 If the action of the big bang is expansion, what is the reaction? Question #2. If the universe is expanding at the speed of light, what is it expanding into? And what is it displacing?

I know there are some brilliant minds that visit this site everyday. Can anybody help me? I'm loosing mind just trying to comprehend what I just wrote. I'm jonesing for a snow fix, Help!

There are less hours of light during the winter so the universe expands less in the winter. There is no 'speed of light' when it is dark. The equal reaction to this is the activity by snowmobilers. Fairly simple to me.


Active member
I can't answer this cause last weekend we put on 700 miles up in the Eastern Yoop! I will say I still check the forecasts and am trying to plan a quick trip back up between the Holidays!


Here's are two questions I'd love some input on.

Somebody not so long ago determine that the universe was started by a tiny spec of dense matter that exploded,hence the Big Bang Theory. Since that initial explosion the theory claims that the universe has been expanding at the speed of light. There is a very basic rule supposedly used to justify all physics and engineering equations, I think? That rule is "With every action there is a equal and opposite reaction". How you ask, does this tie into the big bang theory. Question #1 If the action of the big bang is expansion, what is the reaction? Question #2. If the universe is expanding at the speed of light, what is it expanding into? And what is it displacing?

I know there are some brilliant minds that visit this site everyday. Can anybody help me? I'm loosing mind just trying to comprehend what I just wrote. I'm jonesing for a snow fix, Help!

I'll answer the easy one first. The big bang is displacing "nothingness". The bigh bang was the result of gravity collecting particles of mass together so tightly that they eventually compressed so tightly that they exploded. The result was these particles were thrown into the nothingness of the universe. Gravity eventually took hold again and accumulated these particles into stars, planets, etc. Bassically, because the big bang collected everything and then shot it back out, there is nothing past our know universe except darkness. However, there is the possiblity of different big bangs happening in different areas of the unkown universe which could result in multiple universes - or 1 giant universe with billions of light years between them. This also gets into the space time continum wich is a different subject.

Now for question 1. The reaction of the big bang is more gravity. It has been speculated that the know universe is no longer expanding, but coming back together again as energy can only travel for so long. This means that the particles that are still traveling have started to pull on each other again with gravity and the univers has started to come together again. This would be easier to explain in person. New items like the Huble Telescope which could possible see to the end of the universe some day may help us determine wether we are still in expansion or contraction.

Now back to the main question. No snow = hurt brain.
I'll answer the easy one first. The big bang is displacing "nothingness". The bigh bang was the result of gravity collecting particles of mass together so tightly that they eventually compressed so tightly that they exploded. The result was these particles were thrown into the nothingness of the universe. Gravity eventually took hold again and accumulated these particles into stars, planets, etc. Bassically, because the big bang collected everything and then shot it back out, there is nothing past our know universe except darkness. However, there is the possiblity of different big bangs happening in different areas of the unkown universe which could result in multiple universes - or 1 giant universe with billions of light years between them. This also gets into the space time continum wich is a different subject.

Now for question 1. The reaction of the big bang is more gravity. It has been speculated that the know universe is no longer expanding, but coming back together again as energy can only travel for so long. This means that the particles that are still traveling have started to pull on each other again with gravity and the univers has started to come together again. This would be easier to explain in person. New items like the Huble Telescope which could possible see to the end of the universe some day may help us determine wether we are still in expansion or contraction.

Now back to the main question. No snow = hurt brain.


Nice Job. I've been fascinated by this stuff my entire life, I just wish I had the ability to comprehend gravitational physics.