Hey, that's uncle charley....no wonder he doesn't answer calls.
I already know about the 3 pigs...I used to live with them in College, when I was gett'n my higher edgemakation.
Here wolfy, wolfy.....nice doggy....eat some of this nice stuff with poison in it.....now go away and stop bother'n me...I got cows to tend to.
btw it might interest you to know that my friends have killed off all the female wolves on isle royal and the plan is to get the numbers of these guys down where we can all live together again. Right now...they are killing us.....some wise guy says it is due to flea infestation, like we don't know how to deal with fleas already over a million years....so I hope that those boys that smell like subarus don't interfer with OUR plan....it's working.