Aspects of season change


New member
This is but ONE aspect of how the iron core and magnetic poles will alter the seasons....I say by 2 months...but it could be even more...let's hope not...but knowing is better than being caught off guard



New member
Aspect number 3....and the snow is closer on ond side of crust which effects the magnetic poles and the seasons



Well-known member
Tracker... the year before winter came late and lasted long and theory was season change, this year just the opposite came almost 2 months too early for some of us and now we are weeks if that from cutting grass, season change is a hard sell for me, I could see if was consistent but this year opposite of last, so do seasons change back and forth each year? I again could see if winter consistently started later and lasted longer but that wasn't fact this year.


Well-known member
I thought you said last year this was on some 46,000 year cycle? And we can see the effects of it in our 50+ years on the planet?? LOL


Active member
Tracker: I don't know why you insist on bringing this fairy tale up.
I don't think anyone on this site believes you have anything near a valid point on this. By bringing this up time and time again, it actually lowers your credibility on other subjects. That you might have good answers on.
One of the main points that totally destroys your hypothesis is.
If the seasons were off by 2 months is. Why is the winter solstice and summer solstice not moved. They are still on the same days they've always been. If seasons were out of wack by 2 months. The winter solstice should be in February and the longest day should be in August. Since these days are the samen there is no way the seasons are changing. Also ice out on the lakes are not moving by 2 months either. I've posted those dates in past responses to these hair brained posts of yours.
The weather IS changing, wether due to man made or natural global warming is another subject all tigether. Your videos of aspects of seasons changing, say nothing at all about the seasons shifting. I personally wish you would quit this trolling, or whatever it is you are trying to accomplish.


Well-known member
Tracker: I don't know why you insist on bringing this fairy tale up.
I don't think anyone on this site believes you have anything near a valid point on this. By bringing this up time and time again, it actually lowers your credibility on other subjects. That you might have good answers on.
One of the main points that totally destroys your hypothesis is.
If the seasons were off by 2 months is. Why is the winter solstice and summer solstice not moved. They are still on the same days they've always been. If seasons were out of wack by 2 months. The winter solstice should be in February and the longest day should be in August. Since these days are the samen there is no way the seasons are changing. The weather IS changing, wether due to man made or natural global warming is another subject all tigether. Your videos of aspects of seasons changing, say nothing at all about the seasons shifting. I personally wish you would quit this trolling, or whatever it is you are trying to accomplish.



Well-known member
I can't be the only one that just ignores this nonsense.

Tracker: I don't know why you insist on bringing this fairy tale up.
I don't think anyone on this site believes you have anything near a valid point on this. By bringing this up time and time again, it actually lowers your credibility on other subjects. That you might have good answers on.
One of the main points that totally destroys your hypothesis is.
If the seasons were off by 2 months is. Why is the winter solstice and summer solstice not moved. They are still on the same days they've always been. If seasons were out of wack by 2 months. The winter solstice should be in February and the longest day should be in August. Since these days are the samen there is no way the seasons are changing. Also ice out on the lakes are not moving by 2 months either. I've posted those dates in past responses to these hair brained posts of yours.
The weather IS changing, wether due to man made or natural global warming is another subject all tigether. Your videos of aspects of seasons changing, say nothing at all about the seasons shifting. I personally wish you would quit this trolling, or whatever it is you are trying to accomplish.


Well-known member
I can't be the only one that just ignores this nonsense.

You aren't - but it keeps coming up year after year! Sometimes you just need a good laugh - Oh, I've never clicked on the videos, time I would never get back!


Well-known member
well guys, I also don't believe winters are 2 months off
but I have no desire to bash a person due to they believe in something, nor do I really think others should either
if you honestly don';t like the treads and info in them maybe just ignore them rather than trying to bash a fellow member here!

through out the history of time, folks have always THOUGHT one thing and then laughed at others with different opinions or idea's
then later on many things, turned out to be right??
I'm sure the folks that thought the earth was flat and you'd fall off the edge of the ocean if you went out too far out!
Then again, there are still some folks NOW that feel the earth is FLAT.

I enjoy many of Trackers posts, there some times off the wall to MY thinking, but never hurts IF I feel like it to watch some of his video's
some times I find some things enjoyable even
and some times, I just may disagree with things in them
but NO need to bash anyone for posting them IMO
no one MAKES anyone read them or watch things in them

I'm still hoping there is a BIG FOOT out there, even if I don't believe in them??
be rather cool to see one some day! IMO !~~


Active member
I can't be the only one that just ignores this nonsense.

I've had him on my ignore list for quite some time. But you still see that he has made a post. I was kinda hoping after his hiatus, he had gone through some mental counseling and came to his senses on this matter. But I was wrong, he is still living in a fantasy world. Some of his stuff is a good laugh, that's how I get pulled into "view this post".


Active member
well guys, I also don't believe winters are 2 months off
but I have no desire to bash a person due to they believe in something, nor do I really think others should either
if you honestly don';t like the treads and info in them maybe just ignore them rather than trying to bash a fellow member here!

through out the history of time, folks have always THOUGHT one thing and then laughed at others with different opinions or idea's
then later on many things, turned out to be right??
I'm sure the folks that thought the earth was flat and you'd fall off the edge of the ocean if you went out too far out!
Then again, there are still some folks NOW that feel the earth is FLAT.

I enjoy many of Trackers posts, there some times off the wall to MY thinking, but never hurts IF I feel like it to watch some of his video's
some times I find some things enjoyable even
and some times, I just may disagree with things in them
but NO need to bash anyone for posting them IMO
no one MAKES anyone read them or watch things in them

I'm still hoping there is a BIG FOOT out there, even if I don't believe in them??
be rather cool to see one some day! IMO !~~

I would agree that, people should not be bashed by others on this site. HOWEVER, Tracker is the king of bashing. He is even worse on account of his direct name calling and belittling of members here.
Most times someone disagrees with his posts, his response starts out with something like "you idiot". He has also insinuated that everyone (except the few that agree with him) on this site are doofus'es. He is the one drinking the koolaid, some days I'd like to have a drink of what he's on. I did enjoy a good "trip" back in the day.
IMO, he deserves a bashing due to his continued degrading of everyone's opinion that doesn't uphold his fantasies.


New member
I would agree that, people should not be bashed by others on this site. HOWEVER, Tracker is the king of bashing. He is even worse on account of his direct name calling and belittling of members here.
Most times someone disagrees with his posts, his response starts out with something like "you idiot". He has also insinuated that everyone (except the few that agree with him) on this site are doofus'es. He is the one drinking the koolaid, some days I'd like to have a drink of what he's on. I did enjoy a good "trip" back in the day.
IMO, he deserves a bashing due to his continued degrading of everyone's opinion that doesn't uphold his fantasies.

Maybe his problem is NOT drinking koolaid but much strong stuff, and that could be a real problem.


Active member
Ill bite. As you have clearly stated the day length is unchanged and the earths tilt on its axis and rotation around the sun is unchanged so these constants should dictate more consistant temperatures. What is different year in and year out that makes each one different or warmer? I think it has more to do with ocean temperatures (creating el nino or la nina conditions) and wind i.e.the jet stream changes.
I have a cabin within 2 miles of lake michigan and the effects of the lake on our temperature is impacted greatly by that body of water so I could see how oceans that cover 3/4 of the plant could effect our weather season to season. What I see different in our winters is the lack of a good jet stream pattern coming down from the Arctic and chilling us for a better part of winter. Give me a long and steady wind out of Alberta during winter and you will get snow!

I really like this weather page as it tells me whats going on right now and for the forseeable near future. Again wind from the south=warm wind from the north=cold;-83.4;4&l=snow&w=strong


Well-known member
I would agree that, people should not be bashed by others on this site. HOWEVER, Tracker is the king of bashing. He is even worse on account of his direct name calling and belittling of members here.
Most times someone disagrees with his posts, his response starts out with something like "you idiot". He has also insinuated that everyone (except the few that agree with him) on this site are doofus'es. He is the one drinking the koolaid, some days I'd like to have a drink of what he's on. I did enjoy a good "trip" back in the day.
IMO, he deserves a bashing due to his continued degrading of everyone's opinion that doesn't uphold his fantasies.
yes, but two wrongs never make a right!

we all should maybe not be so fast to want to bash
a good debate, is fine and all, heck some can be entertaining with the right attitude, even if we disagree one things,
I just rather keep things more mild and humor some if I can than be on the other side of things!
as IMO< maybe this is a part of why the world as so many see it it slipping

were all too fast to bash,, when we have nothing good to say
rather than just ignore something, or someones views or opinions.
just saying,
I know I also ain't perfect either, we all get caught up at times
but maybe we call can work on that a tad more?

food for thought!


Active member
We're gonna have to change the way runways are marked at all of our airports. In stead of painting runway numbers, we're gonna have to implement runway numbers as digital displays, so they can be changed every few weeks as the magnetic declination changes! :encouragement:


New member
Tracker... the year before winter came late and lasted long and theory was season change, this year just the opposite came almost 2 months too early for some of us and now we are weeks if that from cutting grass, season change is a hard sell for me, I could see if was consistent but this year opposite of last, so do seasons change back and forth each year? I again could see if winter consistently started later and lasted longer but that wasn't fact this year.

Yes it is not consistent at all...this is due to the iron core and snow inside core that is closer on one side of crust than the other...this also effects the magnetism as the core is the main culprit in the magnetic dipoles....I don't know exactly what's going on either same as all of us...but I do look at in a different angle now...we always thought it was the sun and wind and oceans driving the seasons...but its is that plus much more and noone ever looked at the space aspect being able to alter the seasons but it does and is....nature is trying to fix itself also which is why the inconsistencies occur the others...the bashing I do is only a come back towards you if bashing me...otherwise I will hash it out with you like I did here because euphoruc1 gave a logical back and forth questioning so we could talk about it and he gave me his view...and I try to answer....and then maybe h ed might enlighten me to another view....get over yourselves....ignore or dont watch the only hurts you not me...

Plus...we got nothing better to do right now than EXPLORE new stuff...some of you should actually watch those vids about learning...not whether I am right or wrong...not about my view or yours....that's what the problem has been...that attitude...I look at all problems like Tesla did....nothing is right or wrong....its more...turn pandoras box upside down and let's see if we can get in that way

He always said that since the others at the time refused to look at experiments in an unconventional was always this way or no way...well guess what...he was right and Edison was wrong

O....and peace out my
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New member
I would agree that, people should not be bashed by others on this site. HOWEVER, Tracker is the king of bashing. He is even worse on account of his direct name calling and belittling of members here.
Most times someone disagrees with his posts, his response starts out with something like "you idiot". He has also insinuated that everyone (except the few that agree with him) on this site are doofus'es. He is the one drinking the koolaid, some days I'd like to have a drink of what he's on. I did enjoy a good "trip" back in the day.
IMO, he deserves a bashing due to his continued degrading of everyone's opinion that doesn't uphold his fantasies.

All of those thing you said were in one thread were scoot said my link had malware...I told him I checked it out 10 ways to sunday and its completely safe....he told me no it isnt....I told him he is an idiot and showed him a picture of Google checking it was safe...and another site saying it was safe...then posted a thread on how to check future stuff....I called him a doofus because he said I didn't know what I was talking about....but I do and gave examples ....he deserved the bash


Active member
All of those thing you said were in one thread were scoot said my link had malware...I told him I checked it out 10 ways to sunday and its completely safe....he told me no it isnt....I told him he is an idiot and showed him a picture of Google checking it was safe...and another site saying it was safe...then posted a thread on how to check future stuff....I called him a doofus because he said I didn't know what I was talking about....but I do and gave examples ....he deserved the bash

Those exact words were from that post. But you have been doing the same thing to a lot of people who don't agree with your viewpoint. You've been doing it consistently since you got on the site. There are many posts that you call people names and belittle them, not just this one thread with scoot.
I'm not going to look back and pull up a bunch of examples of it. I'm sure there are others that know what I'm talking about.

Your still not responding to my post about the solstice days not shifting.
Or last years post about ice outs on lakes not being off by 2 months.
It seems to me when your asked about things that are undeniable, you ignore or sidestep the question.
I'd say I'm out, but I'm pretty sure you'll come back with something that I won't be able to not respond / defend myself.


New member
Those exact words were from that post. But you have been doing the same thing to a lot of people who don't agree with your viewpoint. You've been doing it consistently since you got on the site. There are many posts that you call people names and belittle them, not just this one thread with scoot.
I'm not going to look back and pull up a bunch of examples of it. I'm sure there are others that know what I'm talking about.

Your still not responding to my post about the solstice days not shifting.
Or last years post about ice outs on lakes not being off by 2 months.
It seems to me when your asked about things that are undeniable, you ignore or sidestep the question.
I'd say I'm out, but I'm pretty sure you'll come back with something that I won't be able to not respond / defend myself.

Did you watch the video that explained the Ice following the magnetic poles...most blow em off...if you did you would understand want I should post it again and keep wasting my time...and I have only been giving shat back to who ever provokes first since that's the route they want to go....just like now...but I won't and will respect your view....did you watch these vids or blow that off also....can't discuss if many dont watch.....and I am busy...cannot respond to every post...going out for ice cream now with wife....shats not closed here...stupid ideas don't prevail here....the virus is BS IMO....there has been sickness as long as the I will try to answer everyone....even though hardly any answer me...otay?