August 11 th


New member
Today is National Alcatraz Day so find all your enemy's and lock them up lol ;) Birdman of Alcatraz was a great movie also Escape from Alcatraz with Clint Eastwood was good to Just don't loose the key :eek:


Active member
…find all your enemy's [sic] and lock them up …
All your enemy's what?

<table><tbody><tr><td>singular:</td><td>enemy </td></tr><tr><td>plural:</td><td>enemies </td></tr><tr><td>singular possessive:</td><td>enemy's </td></tr><tr><td>plural possesive:</td><td>enemies'</td></tr></tbody></table>
Plural forms [cats, dogs, enemies, …] do not take apostrophes, (unless they are plural possessives)!

(I tried to resist, really I did! :) )

P.S.: Don't feel alone. It just blows my mind how many folks (not folk's!) use apostrophes (not apostrophe's!) in plain ol' plurals (not plural's!), Why???
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Well-known member
I still have a tough time with those dang things frnash.

It's tough to know when it's the right way. Alcatraz day does not give up its secrets.


Active member
I still have a tough time with those dang things frnash.

It's tough to know when it's the right way. Alcatraz day does not give up its secrets.
Excellent, you got both of those (Two of the most obscure and difficult ones!) right: it's = it is (a contraction); its = possessive — the one oddball possessive form that does not take an apostrophe! (That yoosta give me fits! :) )


New member
Excellent, you got both of those (Two of the most obscure and difficult ones!) right: it's = it is (a contraction); its = possessive — the one oddball possessive form that does not take an apostrophe! (That yoosta give me fits! :) )

I am trying to ESCAPE from the Nash Spelling class lol HELP ME RHONDA!!! lol May a Bird not land on your head :) Have a great day Nash :D