Awesome News!


Well-known member
Awesome news!! Glad your feeling much better. I'm sure I speak for most of us here when I say we were holding our breath and saying a prayer for you. Now stay away from those Dr.s and get to that list.:)

Must be really disappointing knowing you can't run a weed trimmer anymore. lol

Think Snow,


New member
So happy to hear you're starting to feel like yourself again. Know the frustration....

That weed trimmer thingy now comes in a cordless rechargable model. Seems to me Father's Day is just around the bend.... :rolleyes:


Active member
That weed trimmer thingy now comes in a cordless rechargable [sic] model.
That it does.

In fact on April 30 this year I purchased this Black & Decker CM1936 19-Inch 36-Volt Cordless Electric Lawn Mower from Amazon, and this Black & Decker NST2018 Grass Hog 12-Inch 18-Volt Cordless Electric String Trimmer is on my 'short list'. Meanwhile I'm still dragging a power cord attached to my aging string trimmer.

Not that I'm so much of an eco-freak, but I have just gotten tired of the hassle of dealing with the care and feeding of gas powered lawn equipment, and trailing an electric power cord around the yard is not a good answer either.

So far I'm very pleased with the mower, with the (removeable) 36 volt battery, it has enough to do my entire weed patch er… 'lawn'. Last year's model, with the 18 volt battery was reportedly underpowered.


Staff member

I think a cordless weed wacker is in my future. Just finished doing it all by had with the old "scissors" type cutter and not much fun.



New member
That it does.

In fact on April 30 this year I purchased this Black & Decker CM1936 19-Inch 36-Volt Cordless Electric Lawn Mower from Amazon, and this Black & Decker NST2018 Grass Hog 12-Inch 18-Volt Cordless Electric String Trimmer is on my 'short list'. Meanwhile I'm still dragging a power cord attached to my aging string trimmer.

Not that I'm so much of an eco-freak, but I have just gotten tired of the hassle of dealing with the care and feeding of gas powered lawn equipment, and trailing an electric power cord around the yard is not a good answer either.

So far I'm very pleased with the mower, with the (removeable) 36 volt battery, it has enough to do my entire weed patch er… 'lawn'. Last year's model, with the 18 volt battery was reportedly underpowered.

You have grass in Arizona??? And when do you cut it since the temps are always in the HIGH 90's or 100. Yikes, not for me since I hate heat of any kind.


Active member
You have grass in Arizona??? And when do you cut it since the temps are always in the HIGH 90's or 100. Yikes, not for me since I hate heat of any kind.
Well I have never been a lawn care freak, so my 'grass' is mostly weeds, but I do have to keep it trimmed or the city weed gestapo will get me!

When do I cut it? The same time you do any outdoor activity in Phoenix, early in the morning!

Morning civil twilight is at around 4:50 AM these days, and sunrise at around 5:20AM, and the morning low temperature generally occurs at 6:00-7:00AM (This morning's low temperature was 82°F vs. Sunday morning's low of 83°F. High temps? Sunday 109°F, today 108°F. :) ).

Come to think of it, that's another advantage to the cordless electric mower: You can get out and run the mower at the crack of dawn without disturbing the neighbors, who may still be sleeping in!
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New member
Nash - A couple nice pygmy goats might be okay up in John's neck of the woods.

I'm willing to bet you'll veto the idea when you have to provide shelter, water, vet fees and proper waste disposal so the odor doesn't offend the neighbors.... There would have to be more! By the time you get through all this and the necessary red tape to be able to keep a goat in the neighborhood, cost-wise, my idea may be on par in the long run!


Active member
Come to think of it, I'd probably have difficulty keeping da goat. Certain busybody neighbors already get my goat, so they'd probably get that one too! :)


New member
hey don't they make a lawn mower that all you have to do is program it and it looks like a disc with a blade and it can cut John's lawn for him to Can't for the life of me think what the brand name is they make something like that to clean your carpet in your house to :)