axis tilt causes more rain seasons off sync



the earth is off by 2 is what it to understand the effects.....this is why its raining more right now....the rain due in april is now coming along with regular rain we supposed to get in what people say in the comments section....they confirm what I 5:30 is the farmer...but I would watch the entire thing...I on the other hand already understand and except this so I will be hunting for the easter bunny ( bigfoot....something that's actually real and tangible....LMAO) whilst you all wonder why it rains more....DOH.....

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New member
The flooding rains were convective thunderstorms that trained over a specific region, not large scale synoptic systems - which is what spring and fall large scale rain typically relies on.

This is why I received 5-6 inches of rain and John Dee, 6 miles north, received less than 2.

You can easily verify the working order of the 'heavens' by checking the latitude of Polaris. Everything is okay.
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LMAO! Why were we snowmobiling in sub-zero temps in December? By your logic, shouldn't it have been delayed until February?

You should spend more time studying geology, climate science, and meteorology, and less time reading conspiracy theories on the internet.

And read this:
Milankovitch cycles happen over thousands of years. They don't suddenly cause seasons to shift by two months in a few years. It's an utterly ridiculous premise.


not stirring pot...and one tint area in UP was under normal....the rest of nation and mountains...where it counts the most ....were all 15 degrees above normal...and there was minimal snow all over the place....don't youse guys remember complaining CONSTANTLY aboot it in numerous threads all season long.....and now you have selective memory....LOL...and Januarys was even warmer was February...snow didn't start cranking until sledding season was half over....remember that??? look up each months results...don't rely on just me cause is for sure don't rely on any of you for facts and info...LMAO....this must be when ya'll looking skyward for the santy clause....too funny....the back and forth super heroes.... "conundrumen"....LOL



Well-known member
Have you ever heard of the word cyclic? Youse? Aboot? I'm beginning to think your axis is what is tilted LOL!:highly_amused:-Mezz


New member
not stirring pot...and one tint area in UP was under normal....the rest of nation and mountains...where it counts the most ....were all 15 degrees above normal...and there was minimal snow all over the place....don't youse guys remember complaining CONSTANTLY aboot it in numerous threads all season long.....and now you have selective memory....LOL...and Januarys was even warmer was February...snow didn't start cranking until sledding season was half over....remember that??? look up each months results...don't rely on just me cause is for sure don't rely on any of you for facts and info...LMAO....this must be when ya'll looking skyward for the santy clause....too funny....the back and forth super heroes.... "conundrumen"....LOL


Measure the latitude of Polaris tonight. Everything is ok.


Well-known member
I got to love all the theories people have about things and all seem to disagree with each other
if things were two moths off
I be a ?? and have to ask, then why was it in the 80's here in Feb, when it should have been in the 20's?
as if Feb is the new winter, what was it doing being so warm>

or how about near 90's in March and April, thats MID summer temps in my area, NOT March or feb temps at all
NOR are they normal winter temps period if winter is 2 months later!

to me things are just all screwed up due to Human impact on things, but thats MY view and don't care if I am right or wrong in others eye's LOL
=weather any more is just screwed up BIG time as to normal weather I grew up with you could count on, more than not!


not stirring pot...and one tint area in UP was under normal....the rest of nation and mountains...where it counts the most ....were all 15 degrees above normal...and there was minimal snow all over the place....don't youse guys remember complaining CONSTANTLY aboot it in numerous threads all season long.....and now you have selective memory....LOL...and Januarys was even warmer was February...snow didn't start cranking until sledding season was half over....remember that??? look up each months results...don't rely on just me cause is for sure don't rely on any of you for facts and info...LMAO....this must be when ya'll looking skyward for the santy clause....too funny....the back and forth super heroes.... "conundrumen"....LOL


There is nothing 15° above normal on that map. Just a few areas that are 3-9° above normal, which means absolutely nothing. It certainly isn't evidence that seasons have been delayed by two months.

Read this, and pay attention to earth's current position in the Milankovitch cycles:
Then answer this question: How could earth's seasons have shifted two months in a short period of time, when Milankovitch cycles take tens of thousands of years? If you dodge the question, we will it take it as an admission that you are scientifically illiterate, and are only here to troll.

Read this, too: Hopefully it will help you understand how weather and climate are always in a state of change, and how regional and decadal weather patterns are not indicative of global climate change or of change from Milankovitch cycles. However, those decadal patterns are definitely influenced by solar cycles and levels of solar activity.


There is nothing 15° above normal on that map. Just a few areas that are 3-9° above normal, which means absolutely nothing. It certainly isn't evidence that seasons have been delayed by two months.

Read this, and pay attention to earth's current position in the Milankovitch cycles:
Then answer this question: How could earth's seasons have shifted two months in a short period of time, when Milankovitch cycles take tens of thousands of years? If you dodge the question, we will it take it as an admission that you are scientifically illiterate, and are only here to troll.

Read this, too: Hopefully it will help you understand how weather and climate are always in a state of change, and how regional and decadal weather patterns are not indicative of global climate change or of change from Milankovitch cycles. However, those decadal patterns are definitely influenced by solar cycles and levels of solar activity. you know how to read that map.....all the red areas are 15 over normal....the tiny blue areas in the UP are 15 under normal...the mountains which are 15 above normal drive the weather for the hemisphere by they have huge effect....and the poles have shifted in degrees RAPIDLY....recently...and coincide with the weather changes and the warming of the planet....the axis has it or not...and the axis tilts drives ALL WEATHER ON THIS PLANET


if you don't like my source...pick any one in here...all say same thing

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the degree can be calculated....and its a the other side also

Ok I'll Bite.

DamageINC is right if you use the color code conveniently located at the bottom. No where is 15 degrees warmer on this chart.

As for tilting, ummm I think this would get just slightly more press than one page on this discussion board. We have been hearing about the climate changing since Clinton was in office and other than Tracker nobody on here has heard of it? I would venture almost every person who has access to a tv, newspaper, internet, book, magazine etc has hear about climate change and its affect on the weather.

Below is what I found about it and at a purely technical level Tracker is right. But it's a huuuuge stretch to say two months. What I got from researching is that the ice is melting changing the weight of the earth. This weight change causes the earth to "wobble". can't find anything about the axis tilt changing though.

Sydney news:
Australian National University earth scientist Dr Phil Cummins agrees.

"It's remarkable that humans are actually affecting the movement of the entire planet, even if it's only a slight effect that most people won't notice," he said.

Here's an article that says the Earth has always wobbled about 10 meters and is now wobbling a different direction due to the movement of mass from ice melting and forming somewhere else, or loss of water per continent:
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Member you know how to read that map.....all the red areas are 15 over normal....the tiny blue areas in the UP are 15 under normal...the mountains which are 15 above normal drive the weather for the hemisphere by they have huge effect....and the poles have shifted in degrees RAPIDLY....recently...and coincide with the weather changes and the warming of the planet....the axis has it or not...and the axis tilts drives ALL WEATHER ON THIS PLANET


if you don't like my source...pick any one in here...all say same thing

- - - Updated - - -

the degree can be calculated....and its a the other side also


The magnetic pole shift is not indicative of the planet's axis. The magnetic poles are going to wander all over the place before they reverse completely, and does not mean the axis is wandering. If earth had shifted on it's axis enough to change seasons by two months, our time of sunset and sunrise would have shifted dramatically, but they haven't. The stars are still in their correct position. Literally everything you said in this thread is demonstrably false, and yet you cling to it like a religion. It's hilarious. You either have the IQ of a grapefruit, or you are trolling. Maybe both.

And most of your map is pink, which is a 3-6° shift in average temps for a month (not 15°), for about 25% of the country. It's absolutely meaningless towards your belief that seasons are two months off now.


well youse guys are missing some stuff...first there is celestial north pole.....and magnetic north pole.....and Polaris is moving....heres why...

There are approximately 9 stars who are taken there role of pole star or will take again in future on rotational basis. The current role of Pole star maintained by Polaris. During 3000 BC Thuban star was pole star, now Polaris and Gamma Cephei will be pole star by 5200 CE. So all stars are moving but their time period is so large compare to human life span , we generally ignored that they are moving. Just imagine we will have a new pole star in next 3200 years. Does it matter to the current or even next 500 generations ? But 3200 years is just like a flip of second for stars life cycle.



The magnetic field that protects our planet from solar and galactic radiation, the dangerous rays that can harm things on our planet, is generated in the outer core. As energy travels through that core it creates an electrical current, which in turn creates a magnetic shield that goes far out into space. In the 1980s, scientists started to send satellites up into the atmosphere and get these little glimpses of what was happening to the magnetic shield. Through math, they are able to take those calculations from outer space and look at what’s happening inside this molten outer core, where the field is generated.

What they have found is phenomenally surprising. There is this absolutely tortured bunch of magnetic fields within the core. You’ve got the two pole magnetic fields that protect our planet, the North and South poles, but within this molten core there are all these factions, like the battle of the Titans, that are trying to topple the dipole. If they succeed, which they’ve done hundreds of times in the planet’s history, then the North and South poles will switch places.

Brunhes was a geophysicist who wanted to trace the Earth’s magnetic field over time. To do that, he needed a unique formation: a thick piece of undisturbed terra cotta that had then been covered by hot basal lava from a volcano. When terracotta is heated up, then cools down, some of the electrons in its molecular structure, will become fossil magnets. They will lay down the coordinates of the magnetic field on that exact spot of the Earth at that precise time, so you can see very precisely what was happening.

Brunhes lived near Puy de Dome in the Massif Central, in the middle of France, where there are all these extinct volcanoes. Word comes back from one of his friends, who was a road cutter, saying, “I just cut a road in this place called Pontfarin, and it showed just exactly what you’re looking for.” Brunhes packs his chisels, gets on his horse, rides for at least a day, then chisels out some pieces of the terra cotta with the basalt over the top of it, and takes it back to his laboratory.

What he discovers in the terra cotta is that when this terracotta got super- heated, and then cooled again, the poles were on different sides of the planet


pay attention to number 3 NORTH Africa on turns 1, 2 and 3....then notice position of turn 4, 5 and 6



Active member
… There are approximately 9 stars who are taken [sic] there [sic] role of pole star or will take again in future on rotational basis. …
Headbanging on desk.gif
… The current role of Pole star maintained by Polaris. During 3000 BC Thuban star was pole star, now Polaris and Gamma Cephei will be pole star by 5200 CE. So all stars are moving but their time period is so large compare to human life span , we generally ignored that they are moving. Just imagine we will have a new pole star in next 3200 years. Does it matter to the current or even next 500 generations ? But 3200 years is just like a flip of second for stars life cycle. …
Omigosh, what do I see there? Sentences! Six of 'em! With punctuation — commas, periods, and question marks — even.

Though some are slightly misplaced (not closely concatenated to the preceding text); if it weren't for that, I'd a thunk that was a copy & paste!

What we have here is a quantum leap of literacy! :applause:
Will wonders never cease! :devilish: