Back in the day


Active member
Was there a huge march storm in 2004?? I was looking at the guest shots and it looked like people were riding all over on trails not just in the backcountry of UP and Wis. Also, what's the latest that you have ever ridden before. Trails or backcountry....



Staff member
I just checked the historical weather page and did not see a huge storm in March of 2004, although there was a deep snowpack in that year well into March.

The latest I have ridden here was on May 1, back in 2009 I think. If you check my archived journals, you will see. I thought it was going to be somewhat of a "novelty" ride to say I rode in May in the UP, but ended up being a several hour, 20-30 mile ride through the backcountry. I could have rode in May back around 2 or 3 years ago too.
