back to norm?


New member
When I was a kid I remember playing and swimming in May here in Wi. This past summer sure felt like it was back no normal with the early heat and hot summer days. I also remember the snow coming in by late October or early November.

With all this rain we have had here this year are we in for a winter that I used to remember?


Staff member
Your guess would be as good as mine as to what this winter will bring, but I can say that the amount of rain that has fallen recently will not have any more of a factor than anything else would.

Plus, where in WI are you talking about? I remember as a kid not being able to swim in our lake in far southern WI until about the second week of June unless you wanted to freeze your nanners off and we never had any snow (other than a few flakes here and there) until after Thanksgiving.



New member
I grew up in Lacrosse WI and Eau Claire WI. I live now right by the Mn/Wi border by Hudson WI.

We had a ton of snow here two years ago, last year it wasn't bad but not as much.

However the heat this year is how I remembered when I was a kid. I spent more time on the water this year than I have in many years. Also the rain in the area this year has been crazy!!