I was part of the group in Copper Harbor accident
Greetings to all, I feel a need to clear up some details. 11 of us had rode up from Mercer to stay in Hancock. We had arranged to meet another group in Eagle HArbor for a "Scenic ride". We met a great group of riders, some experinced and some not so. The day started fine with details to head toward Copper Harbor and have some lunch. We did end up right at entrance to Brockway Mtn road on Hwy 26 where all 18 of us stopped. The leader who was a local guy then lead my group up the road. The road was heavily traveled so there was no reason for any of us to think we were not legal to be riding, we did however know we were riding at our own risk on an unmarked trail.
I was 8th in line traveling around 40-50mph, WELL within my limits and ability and conditions.
As I approached the last turn before the knoll heading east I could see over 1/2 mile ahead but NOT over the knoll, we were about 2.3 miles down the road. As I approcahed the knoll I was waived down and when I hit the crest I could see the carnage. It was at that time I realized even at 30 MPH hitting the crest I would have been hard pressed to stop without incident.
The leader veered left took out what was still a large branch of the tree sending his Apex tumbling down the trail, behind him was the F8 which took out the balance of the tree and piled into the Apex, following third was the Skidoo who did all he could to avoid the 2 sleds and riders, hit was was left of tree now laying on the ground and lost control ending up the furthest.
The 4 rider approached and saw another rider lying in his path and from what we can ascertain swerved left to avoid hitting him and was ejected from his sled and hit a group of trees with his body.
The first three riders were standing with the leader who was quite confused form what truned out to be a concussion, the 4th rider was not so lucky. He shattered his left arm, broke several ribs, punctured his lung and severed his spinal cord between the shoulders. He was med flighted down to St. Vincent in Green Bay where they repaired his arm and as of yesterday operated on his back to straighten his spine. His hopes of getting feeling below the chest are grim at best. He is a great guy and a very strong willed and physically fit guy.
We are all hoping and praying for a miracle and are keeping his wife and kids in our thoughts and prayers.
As the group sat around the past few days and talked and comiserated about the events we have been playing numerous scenarios in our minds and cant help but think about how many ways this could have gone both good an and bad.
All of us in my group want to commend the emergency personel, the sherriff and the local warden in their repsonse time, professionalism and there positive attitude. Kudos to the local group for all of their help in transportation, kind words and helping hands. We will be back up to ride !!
It was a eye opening experience for many and will live in our minds and souls for a long time, it made all who witnessed it thank god for what we have and where we are in life. If you are interested in sedning the injured rider a note sedn me private message and I will give you his Caring Bridge site.
I have only a few thoughts, if you are ever leading a group, get to know them and their ability. If you come across anything in your path that you find might cause others harm do whatever you can to mark or remove it. Make sure you know where you are at all times, carry a cell phone and some extra food and water if your going to be out a while.
Be safe, ride within your limits and keep all your loved ones in your thoughts ALL THE TIME!
Let it snow !