Banana belt of L'Anse??


Hi John I was reading your journal from last Sunday and was just curious as to what exactly is your definition of the "banana belt" Wondering if my camp got any of the snow that you were talking about.Im roughly 5 miles north of Alberta. Thanks and here's to a speedy recovery hopefully before the snow really starts to fly. Sounds like you are on your way I hope you don't have any set backs. Best of luck.




Well, my definition of the Banana Belt is from just south of Chassell through Baraga and L'Anse and then up the hill a bit towards Alberta. I would not include Alberta in the Banana Belt, but they are not in a huge snow area as they (as well as areas like Three Lakes, Michigamme, Champion) are starting to get far enough away from the lake to see less LES than areas to the north and even the east.

As far as your camp goes to say for sure, I would have had to go by the camp, but I did pass through Alberta and they had around an inch or so on the ground. That was the same amount on the ground from just south of L'Anse all the way to just west of Ishpeming, so I think it would be safe to assume your camp had the inch or so everywhere else had. I cannot say for sure if it would be in the banana belt or not as I have not seen what the historical snowfall is like there, but I can say that your camp is in the right direction from Alberta to get away from the lower snow and into the higher snow areas. The Huron Mountains do pretty good in an average winter!
