Be safe out there, already a fatality.

Thats to sad, We just came home from our cabin and our neighbor had some friends up riding, one of them inexperienced and tried keeping up with the rest. Yep He hit a tree and busted up his face, helmet was junk, He's luckey to be alive. SLOW DOWN. Did you know snow is slippery


New member
I just said a quick prayer for him, his family and the rest of us for a safe season.

I had a very experienced rider teach me how to ride (he was a ex-ice oval & sno-cross racer) and I'll never forget his two cardinal rules of trail riding (1) don't try to keep up with the guy in front of you because his sleds faster and he's a better rider and (2) don't let the guy behind you push you to go faster because his sleds faster and he's a better rider.

Blessings - Skutr


New member
Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly!!!!! I learned from an ex snocross racer hes reason ive gotten to race but he tought me the same. If you gotta keep up your pushing your skills and luck. And that is when bad thinks happen my uncle tried keeping up with me once it was only his second trip ever and he hit a tree broke his arm 3 dif places. Made me sad because i tought him how i was guess he didnt listen


Super Moderator
Staff member
The person who died was SayYaToDaUP's brother in law. He posts here once in awhile, but is mainly on HCS. They were riding a two track, when his brother in law hit a DOWNED tree.

Sad for sure. :(


I lead our group a lot some with expreince riders and some with not so exp. I usually don't ride faster than the slowest rider, if I do get carried away alittle bit for a short while I always slow down so they can catch up and see me and not worry about loosing group.

I know thats not the case in this fatality so unfortunate

ill marty

New member
When we ride i try to keep everyone in my eye sight .You can tell when your pushing it. I usually have the people i care most with me. If something happened carelessly i would never forgive my self. Some time s you need to tame the animals being the leader its your responsibility. Sorry for everyones loss or injury . Slow down whats the hurry . If you need to go fast give the luge a try.


Active member
Here is one from a few days back.

Really debated about posting this as I didn't want this to turn into a "tally" list thread.

While I would think most of us here know the logic about safety, speed, drinking, etc, maybe we can use these incidents as reminders to talk to other riders about maintaining control on the trails. Problem is, too many of us, me included at times, tend to get defensive if someone calls on us to be more careful. How can we keep the trails safe, yet not seem to be butting into someone elses business by telling them how to ride?