Bears taking over the swimming pool


New member
Gotta love how the video ended, with the Mama Bear picking up the Pool Filtration pump and taking it into the pool.
Bet that bear was outa the pool Quick,after that little tingle before the breaker popped.


Active member
That was AWESOME, like kids playing in the yard. Great video, only thing that could've been better is if it had been in my yard.


Active member
Gotta love how the video ended, with the Mama Bear picking up the Pool Filtration pump and taking it into the pool.
Bet that bear was outa the pool Quick,after that little tingle before the breaker popped.

Nope, watch part 3, filter is in the pool with her... maybe came unpluged... the video was cool to see.


Staff member
Sorry. I missed this one getting posted for some reason.

Thankfully, no. The only time we have had a bear visit was when we were without a dog. I am thinking there is more than coincidence to that happening. I know that they are in the neighborhood as I have seen sign (scat, prints, etc) on our walks, but the only summer we had problems was the summer after Burt passed and before we got Huck/Millie. Sure hope we never have that happen!

By the way, mother bears will adopt other cubs in the event she happens across some orphaned ones. I am not saying that is why there were 5 cubs in this video, but is a possibility.

The filters have a built in GFCI into the plug, so even if current was going to the motor when it hit the water, it was shut off milliseconds after.

Great Video! So fun to watch!



It is cool seeing these animals in action. Not trying to be a lump on a log but was it the best idea to allow these animals to rule the yard? Seems to me they lost a lot of money with all the damage and the bears will likely return now. IMO, the appropriate action would be a warning shot in the air to scare the bears away, especially with children you do need a deter this kind of activity. If you didn't have a gun step out the door with pots and pans clanging and those animals would scatter like a fart in the wind.