Actually- we drove an empty trailer out and bought 2 2010 summit 800r 154" in March of 2010. Nate says the 2013 XM chassis is totally different than even 2012. We both ride Pro's right now, but if the XM is what they say it is I may sell my 2011 Pro and buy one of his rentals in March. They take pride in keeping there sleds in tip top shape. The lodge only has 11 rooms, Bryan the owner and his whole staff make you feel at home. Everyone get's to sit together around the table in the dining room for meals and then there is a great room on the 3rd floor where you have some drinks and share stories. The area may look small to some, but the terrain has many different technical levels for all to have fun. My wife learned how to ride trees by starting in the lowland aspens before hitting steeper terrain. The food is home cooked by two professional chefs that live in the 12th room during the winter. We have met people from IN. that like the flight into SLC versus Jackson. I believe the airfare is less, yet you do have to rent a car to get there and back, which probably makes it a wash if you get free shuttle from Tog Lodge. Personally, I like going to places that when you leave they remember you by your first name etc. If anyone has specific questions, feel free to PM me.