Bed bugs!!!


New member
LANSING, Mich. (AP) — State health officials have launched a website on bed bugs, in response to what they say is widespread public concern about the bloodsucking insects.

The Michigan Department of Community Health says the site for renters, homeowners, facility managers and other government agencies.

The site offers guidance on best practices for bed bug control.

It's the result of collaboration among the state departments of Public Health, Agriculture, and Labor and Economic Growth, as well as the Property Managers Association of Michigan, Michigan Pest Management Association, and the state's Lodging and Tourism Association.

Bed bugs hide in tight cracks on or near people's beds, and come out at night to bite.


New member
They are rampant here in Michigan.

I picked up a couple of dozen bites on my back courtesy of a motel in Escanaba when up fishing the Bay in June. Thought it was poison ivy at first, but could not figure out how I could get poison ivy on my back when i did not have it on my hands or anywhere else. Started to think back about the timing of the marks (noticed a day or two after motel stay) and the fact that they were on the side of my back I sleep on, and then looked at pictures of bites on the web, and there was no doubt in my mind. Bite marks last for a couple of weeks and itch and weep a little. Grossed the wife out pretty good.


New member
If I were a resort operator, I would be taking preventative actions right now. Then posting that information because there are going to be lots of people who will hesitate coming to places that get "lots of visitors" from areas well infested with the nasty bugs.

From all the hype on this over the last few weeks, apparently getting the eggs killed isn't very easy. Killing the adults isn't that hard. Can even freeze them out.

Anybody want to trade mattresses?? My sleep number is ZERO bugs....


Active member
Very GROSS makes my skin crawl!! and I'll tell you and so will anyone that’s stayed here I'm a FREAK about clean!! After every guest all bedding and I mean ALL...mattress pad, dust ruffle "everything" gets washed. We bought duplicates of everything so it can all come off, and all clean can go on. I don't want to ever sleep in anyone else’s stuff. :mad: And just to make sure I have a great BUG guy too, he keeps his camper in the campground and takes care of the place. I wasn't going to even post but it just grosses me out what goes on in lodging places and the lack of management to make sure people are doing their job. I do my own...and it's done right :cool: