
New member
I have a 08 Yami Nytro---Has gone thru two belts in 2300 miles. Just trail riding, no boondocking involved.

I this the norm? BTW, changing it is a PIA, as must cut all the schredded stuff away and pry it on while turning the clutch and lifting up the back end, takes two people. OR is the a eaiser way to change it?


If you have gone through two belts in 2300 miles either you have something wrong or you've done something to make them slip. The 8DN belt is a really good belt and will go for a lot more miles than that normally. Not unheard of to get 5000 plus miles on them.
As far as changing them you can hold the brake on and pull the belt towards the rear of the sled and that will spread the secondary sheaves and the belt will come off real easy. Going back on just turn the secondary (grab buy the nuts holding the helix) and turn clockwise while pushing in and secondary will open. Take the belt off and put it back on on the secondary clutch.


Well-known member
Yes buy a Rich clutch tool it is an aftermarket doo like belt change tool for $30. I have been riding Apex since 2007 never broke a belt & just change at 4K to 5K miles just because. My bud did damage not break a few belts on vectors took 2 of us to back off those clutch sheaves off so know what you mean. I would say something is wrong but don't know what?


New member
I have a 07 apex shreaded a belt into little tiny pices and treads fun fun to clean out of clutching 1 hr trail side .. i push on helix in with p break on to seperate the 2ndary then slip belt off .. i get around 4-5 thow out of belt but change them out of spite every 2nd year .. this year changed belt out 2nd year on it about 3 thow miles on it noticed 1/16 of the belt was worn off compaired to a new one . just my input but im running a apex not the nytro


New member
How many miles on the sled...might be time to take the clucth off clean it and inspect pucks and make sure everything is free.