Benefit for our Fire Chief


Well-known member
So I am sure you all saw that we had our benefit car stolen. 1972 cutlass.

Check out the FB page. There is a video of a fella who out of the blue offered to auction off taking a pie to the face. Brought 300 dollars. Quite the show. Also the only piece of the car that we had was the inspection cover off of the tranny. Small piece of tin that we had taken off to get painted to match the car. Yes underneath was just as clean as the outside. My buddy didn't tell any of us guys but he took it to work and painted it custom style then wrote "Thou shall not steal" on it before he clear coated it. It looked amazing. Well I thought that would be probably the coolest conversation piece to own and hang on the wall in the man cave so I got bidding on it. Looked over and I am bidding against 3 other members of the fire dept... I took it up to $1,050 dollars and it ended up selling for 1100. For a piece of tin. LOL... It was a fantastic benefit for a fantastic family. Huge thanks to our community and everyone else who came out in support!!