Best location to ride in the Keweenaw Peninsula


New member
Hello all,
A few of us are taking our first trip to the Peninsula. We are looking for ideas or suggestions of where the best hill climbing, powder riding might be in the area. I have heard a lot about the Delaware area. Any trail numbers etc that may be helpful. Thanks


New member
I have only been a couple of times but from what I remember there is a big loop that pretty much goes to copper Harbor and back. Nice trail and plenty of fun stuff to ride just off the trail. Hope your not going anytime soon, from what I gather the snow is pretty thin and rocks and stumps and such. All in all the trip is great and sure is beautiful. Surly some other members will know the area a little better. Have fun, be safe and bring lots of money.


New member
You should have the winters best conditions by February. If your new to the Keweenaw and want to venture off trail I would get with a local that rides and have them point you in the right direction.
There is a lot of great places to go, but also a lot of trouble to get into if you go the wrong direction.
We do some great back country riding out of the Mohawk area up through the Cliff Range. Some very beautiful country and shoulder deep snow in February.


New member
alot of people dont like to give out the good spots to play in its just facts of life a few years ago me and a buddy went up and we seen some guys in a bar were just had lunch and they were talking about over the hood powder and i asked where you finding this and this guy had the balls to say f*** off go find your own spots no joke i think the one guy was a local but what an *** anyways so

i just ride trails and some powerlines and they get beat fast i have been going up for 11 years and have yet to ride in belly deep snow

i also have been trying to get some local guys from here or other forums and lead me and a few buds to some deep snow and cant ever get anyone so i gave up on that the year before last

iam trying to get my buddys to go out west but they just love going to the UP i like it but its kinda old nothing really changes
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New member
I was starting to get that impression after I saw all the views compared to responses.

I used to live in Portland, OR. and we road Mt. Bachelor in Bend, OR. We always shared the spots we found or others showed us. That's unfortunate it isn't the same here.

I imagine most of the better spots to ride are "out of bounds".

john w

New member
sent you a p.m. also the big hill in south range can be fun. I thnk its 4th street north you cant miss it, its huge. it got my attention last year.


Active member
sent you a p.m. also the big hill in south range can be fun. I thnk its 4th street north you cant miss it, its huge. it got my attention last year.

If you're thinking Whealkate Bluff, that's definitely private property!


New member
alot of people dont like to give out the good spots to play in its just facts of life a few years ago me and a buddy went up and we seen some guys in a bar were just had lunch and they were talking about over the hood powder and i asked where you finding this and this guy had the balls to say f*** off go find your own spots no joke i think the one guy was a local but what an *** anyways so

i just ride trails and some powerlines and they get beat fast i have been going up for 11 years and have yet to ride in belly deep snow

i also have been trying to get some local guys from here or other forums and lead me and a few buds to some deep snow and cant ever get anyone so i gave up on that the year before last

iam trying to get my buddys to go out west but they just love going to the UP i like it but its kinda old nothing really changes
Sounds like you need some new buddies to ride with. UP does get old. It is not the wilderness it once was. Go west, if your looking for a new bunch of guys to ride with I would contact Jacob Mom he will hook you up.


Well-known member
Sounds like you need some new buddies to ride with. UP does get old. It is not the wilderness it once was. Go west, if your looking for a new bunch of guys to ride with I would contact Jacob Mom he will hook you up.

WOW.... PR1 you got that 1 right! I remember going off trail & no tracks noooooooobody back early 90s. Really started to change in late 90s & today I find UP trails have more traffic than Vilas, WI. When sled tech got better people branched out to UP & now know UP is not wilderness just deep snow & well groomed trails so most riders stay in the popular areas & see an off trail area & ride it. I not sure what will happen in the near future with the off trail stuff as a lot of tresspassing is going on? UP would be smart to start marking off trail areas so riders stay off private property. It is going to be a DNR management opportunity in very near future.

john w

New member
If you're thinking Whealkate Bluff, that's definitely private property!

I have no idea what the name of the hill is called, when a local buisness recomends to check it out, I will check it out weather its private or not. Note: ( No signs were posted any where) If signs were posted i would not have gone up there.


New member
Yes there are a few A-holes out there but there are just as many out there that just love to ride and don't mind a couple guys tagging along.
Matt, owner of the Drift Inn in Copper City knows a few guys that will help you out.

This is Jordy, the kid that we ride with out of Laurium. This was taken about two miles from the Drift Inn. Definitely conditions worth riding and at this location we were the only tracks in the snow..



New member
Get a hold of lenny he is on here lots owns the old town hall in greenland he will take you there, also has the best lodging in town he alos rides a trail guides you will get stck with him many virgin snow rides with him


New member
ied love to go west and ride and a few of my buddys do to its just money is getting tight for us all and to go up north is faster they say idk

we all have long tracks 2 144 1 155 and a 151 newest sled being a 09 rmk oldest is a 99 rmk nothing smaller then a 700

i guess we need to pool up some $$ and pay a guide for a day to show us around where we can and cant go

i hurd that DNR is going to be handing out tickets from riding the powerlines? is that true


New member
Most of the power lines if not all are located on private property and there fore riding them is trespassing, does not matter if they are posted or not it’s still trespassing. It always has been this way, one theory behind the fact that they are now going to watch them more and hand out tickets is there are so many more people riding them then there used to be in the past.

John w. I would take what a local business says with a grain of salt? I have been in a few places where the person working ( be it the owner or just some employee) will give you a great tip. I don’t know if they think it will keep you coming back or what? BUT if you don’t know if its private or not ask, and if you do know its private and don’t have the owners permission to ride there then don’t. It will only hurt everyone in the long run if people ride where they are not supposed to and I don’t think the DNR will let you slide on a ticket by saying “ hay joe blow said it was OK” they might go talk to Joe Blow but your still going to pay and its still going to hurt everyone in the long run.


New member
Wow. Been reading a lot of posts on several of the Threads on the board and seems the same 4-5 people really don't want anyone to come up to the Peninsula. So unfortunate. The small businesses up there sure would be disappointed about the lack of support a few of their locals are providing. Either way people are going to continue to enjoy one of Michigans finest places.

If anyone is located in Southwest, MI, there are a couple hundred miles of trails to ride out of Edwardsburg. They just picked up about another 8"s today to total over a foot. Several restaurants and places to warm up. Nothing compared to the U.P. but enough to work the bugs out and make sure everything is in good order before making the trip up north. Great grooming team as well
. This of course is for those South of Grand Rapids and have the itch to ride without putting an entire week into it.


New member
Rode 87 miles today from Edwardsburg to Vandalia and Niles. Trails were great in the earlier am. The ride home things changed. lots of snirt in the corners and the little pack was made started to melt. The next three days are going to melt whats left.

Wow. Been reading a lot of posts on several of the Threads on the board and seems the same 4-5 people really don't want anyone to come up to the Peninsula. So unfortunate. The small businesses up there sure would be disappointed about the lack of support a few of their locals are providing. Either way people are going to continue to enjoy one of Michigans finest places.

If anyone is located in Southwest, MI, there are a couple hundred miles of trails to ride out of Edwardsburg. They just picked up about another 8"s today to total over a foot. Several restaurants and places to warm up. Nothing compared to the U.P. but enough to work the bugs out and make sure everything is in good order before making the trip up north. Great grooming team as well
. This of course is for those South of Grand Rapids and have the itch to ride without putting an entire week into it.