Bicycling the Rail Trails


Team Elkhorn

Hey its summer. So every Saturday morning, weather permitting, my wife and I and a few friends try to ride one of the area rail trails when we can. Its kind of neat to ride the same trails we ride on sleds in the winter, on the bikes in the summer. Afterwards we get lunch somewhere. Last week we rode from Dousman west and back. This week we'll ride the White River Trail out of Elkhorn towards Burlington and back. Next week we'll head out to New Glarus, ride out to see the old railroad tunnel, than head to Monticello and back. We only ride around 20-25 miles total at a leisurely pace. June 25th is also New Glarus Days. They have food, bands, craft fair and a beer tent. Mmmm New Glarus beer! If anyone is interested in joining us, PM me and let me know. We usually meet up at 9:30 am and ride out at 10:00 am. Oh, and you do need a Wi. bike trail permit, available at the trail heads. 4 dollars per day, 20 dollars per year. Also the trails are crushed limestone so I don't recommend a road bike,(skinny tires).
