Big Horns, WY - Recommendations


New member
4 of us may be heading to the Big Horns in middle of February. I've been looking online for a place to stay. I've been to quite a few places in the Rockies but never the Big Horns yet. Not set on what part of the Big Horns we should head.

Anyone have suggestions on their favorite place(s) to stay at?

There will be 4 of us. Looking for a cabin/house type place with a kitchen to cook in. Also would really like to be able to ride from the cabin.

Thanks in advance!


NORTHERN BIG HORNS we have been going out for a few years and stay at bear lodge.They have cabins behind the lodge that they rent out. They also run the other 2 lodges close called elk view and arrowhead. They are nice friendly people and also offer guiding fairly priced.


4 of us are working on plans for Big Horns Super Bowl wk. end will be our 3rd year.Are you set on mid Feb. or are you open to switch?
4 of us may be heading to the Big Horns in middle of February. I've been looking online for a place to stay. I've been to quite a few places in the Rockies but never the Big Horns yet. Not set on what part of the Big Horns we should head.

Anyone have suggestions on their favorite place(s) to stay at?

There will be 4 of us. Looking for a cabin/house type place with a kitchen to cook in. Also would really like to be able to ride from the cabin.

Thanks in advance!


New member
Yeah due to work and stuff we're tied to Feb 8th - 13th.

That would have been great though to meet and ride with some Dee'rs!



The first 3 guys are staying at bear lodge.I haven't made reservations yet but we will have 4-6 of us. We all have our own sleds 2010-2013 rmks both 600s and 800s.they have a super duty ford and a 4 place enclosed,I have a duramax with a 30 ft aluminum stock trailer with a sticker on it that says cornice crickets.