Bill passed by Michigan House to recognize U.P


New member
I dunno, in a way that's great news, but am I the only one here that would rather have it be separated from the lower and be a somewhat mysterious land mass?

It's not very prestigious to be associate with the rest of the state ya know! Now if the Yoop was added does that mean someone had to be taken off...maybe Detroit? ;)



New member
By zrjes on Thursday, August 20, 2009 - 07:51 pm: Edit Post
I dunno, in a way that's great news, but am I the only one here that would rather have it be separated from the lower and be a somewhat mysterious land mass?

I also like the idea of the UP being a somewhat mysterious land.


New member
Only in <u>Michigan</u>, would you find it <u>NECESSARY</u> to pass a <u>LAW</u> to require the whole state be <u>INCLUDED</u> in any mapping over-view of the <u>State of Michigan</u>.

Geez, don't yah know, that it costs money to add the U.P. to everything...all that extra ink and everyting.....

Truroot be known, Superior Land, would have been far better off without the land mass to the south in Michigan.

If I were a representative of the U.P., I would push hard to eliminate the fare to cross the big bridge. Since it is the only way to connect, the elimination of that fare would help to consolidate the two land masses and unite the state...assuming, the Yoopers want to be united!!


New member
LOL how true. Only in Michigan do we need to make a law for that.

Those guys in Lansing are really hard at work...

Saw on the news last night a new law they also just made.

Now if you have 3 or more unpaid parking tickets, you won't be able to renew your plates on your car.

Now there is a thought.. DUH

Why would we allow anyone to renew plates even if they only have 1 ticket???????


New member
The UP is, and always has been, a mysterious land mass any way you look at it. Cross the "Big Mac" from the LP to the UP, or visa-versa, and presto-chango it's immediately different. I've seen it at least monthly for years now.


New member
I think they got wind of my covert plan to annex the UP for Wisconsin <font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> was really a grass roots effort in the finer drinking establishments in your great states forgotten lands.