Bill Townsend Boots RU Outside


New member
Has anyone else had problems with these boots leaking?

I bought a pair last season, they worked great but now this season leak every time I wear them... any suggestions?


Well-known member
My riding buddy and I both bought the RU Outside sonic boots last year at one of the snow shows. He stepped in a fairly deep puddle with his this year, assuming they were waterproof. They are not.

The Sonic boots are by far the most comfortable boots I've ever worn, but I'll be kicking myself for buying them the first time my foot gets wet. I'm starting to think nothing is really waterproof besides gore-tex (besides pure rubber I guess).


New member
R.U outside,crap,junk boots

I bought a pair of there Bridger boots two years ago and they are the coldest darn boots I have ever worn.Even when it is in the teens they will not work.I go with Cabelas made in China boots and like them fine.will not waste another dollor to R.U Outside for anything!But I will say the R.U boots kept my fet dry.