Board Rules change?


John - I'm a long time visitor to this site - since about January of 2000. I've always enjoyed every aspect of it because of the content, values you represent and the way it has developed over time. I have been to every one of the annual Ride-In's to help show my support. I mention this to show that it has been a 'great ride' - so to speak - and one I don't want to quit.

However, it seems one of the board rules that I live by is being constantly ignored:

No posts with Religious or Political viewpoints. I am religious and political too, but these are two topics almost certain to offend, so it's just best to avoid them in this forum.

I realize times are tough economically and that these two items can get intermixed with the emotional aspects of the topic at hand, but it is getting to the point where it seems many of the posts 'go there' and seems to be accepted and is getting worse. I was hoping that this site would continue to steer clear of this slippery slope.

It seems now matter where you go, politics especially, are being crammed down our throats. I was hoping this site would remain the exception but it hasn't. So when I complained on another thread about it, it was "suggested" in a not too kind manner that I complain to the Administrator. I agreed.

Are these rules still in affect?


Well-known member
To me you flow with the changes around you but don't ingnor the rules. Even John has walked the edge recently all in good fun. Topics get too milk toast & interest will be lost & people will go away. Handiman you want black or white but what about gray a comination of black & white? An election year will be upon us soon & everybody wants things to change for the better including outdoor sports, sleddin & the weather. LOL Politics are all around us just the way it is. To me you can't cast a blind eye to what is happening in our world but Johns' site Johns' rules so whatever he says is fine with me.:)


Staff member

You are right, there have been more than a handful of discussions that have walked up to the line of being political and then strayed across it. I guess my feelings on the matter are that in some cases it is almost unavoidable to have a political angle or "undertone" to a certain topic occur that started out with no specific political angle. In those cases, I generally let things go as long as the posts are not blatantly political or for sure get nasty. The main reason for the rule is not to ban political discussion, it is to keep things on a respectful level on the board. So the rule is there because it has been my observation that most discussions that are purely political turn nasty. Not that I feel political discussions are taboo.

In a perfect world, things could be black and white and there would be no cases like we are talking about, but as whitedust said, there are the "gray" areas and I guess as long as things do not get out of hand, blatant, or disrespectful, then this gray area can exist in some cases.

I will also admit that in some cases, I just do not catch a post or thread right away. So there are times when a post did cross the line too far and needs to be yanked, but does not for a while. In those cases I appreciate it when someone sends me a quick note to alert me of the problem.

I hope that you can understand and just to let you and others know, I am still going to keep a very close watch on this subject and do not want to just slowly let things get political, even if we are entering into a political season. I guess what I am saying is things have gotten about as lose as they will with regards to this matter.

Thanks for being a long time visitor and a regular at the ride-in. Hope to see you again this year.



John - Understood.


As a Wisconsinite that is employed by a local government, I have gotten quite weary about anything related to politics. Now, perhaps, you can understand my sensitivity to the subject. I don't like any of the discussions relating to the political issues (including the non-Wisconsin related) that have popped up from time to time and I have just avoided these threads. It just seems that the discussion in more and more threads have gotten hijacked and turned to political opinions and/or politically under-toned discussions.

Along with the items I've already mentioned, I visit this site to have a virtual connection with the wonderful U.P., it's people and all else it has to offer when I cannot physically be there. I have always felt this site has always been a safe haven, so to speak, to get away from all the political rhetoric and I was hoping it would stay that way. That's all.

All your efforts on this site are appreciated.
Thanks for your reply.


I guess you have to define what is political. I always enjoy a spirited discussion on public policy or current events. It's one of the reasons I come here to this site. While I have only met two members, it's fun to get involved in these discussions with people whose opinions I respect but may disagree with.

For me, the key is never mentioning a politician by name (although I violated that 2 days ago, because I swallowed hard on a certain mod's baited trap!!! ;)). I stop when someone gives a specific politician or party credit or blame. That is political.

So for me, a lively discussion about oil, economy, public policy, etc. is "in the board interest", as it allows those of us who participate to spar with each other good naturedly, but as soon as someone blames it on (Obama/Bush/Walker/Democrats/Republicans/right/left/etc.) the turd is in the punchbowl, the train has left the tracks.

At that point it is political and I hope the mods act.

I usually leave the thread myself at that point

I know the thread that has upset you, it is political, but I just avoid it.