Breaking a Record?


Active member

I heard on the radio, this morning, that we are about to break a historic record. On Dec. 4th, it will be the longest time since we had a Catagory 3 or stronger hurricane make land fall on US soil. Something like 2,500 days (6+ years). (I don't remember the exact number so allow some leeway please.) What do you know of this? And, is what I heard correct?



Staff member
I'll let you or someone else do the math, but the last Cat 3 storm to his the US mainland was Wilma back on Oct 24, 2005. That was the same year Katrina hit NOLA. Actually just did the math quickly, it was 2227 days ago.

Funny, after the historic tropical season of 2005, the climate change alarmists were saying years like that would be the norm. Ooops! :eek:
