Broken wrist = messed up plans for riding with my son?


New member
A couple of weeks ago I picked up a nice '05 MXZ 380 as an upgrade for my 14 year old son. (And as a backup/buddy/wife sled) We already have plans to ride more together this winter.

You know what they say - the best laid plans...

Sunday evening he was hanging out with a friend. They decided to climb some trees. He was about 15 feet up when a branch broke and he fell to the ground. A split rail fence with heavy wire mesh lining broke his fall. (He broke the top rail of the fence.) His friend came and got me. I walked up and asked how he was doing. He said, "I think I broke my wrist." I took one look over the fence and there was no question. Wrists aren't supposed to look like that!

He broke the ulna and radius right at the wrist. The doctor and nurse at the hospital said it was a really impressive break, with the bones significantly displaced (way out of their normal position) They were able to set it at the hospital but said there's a much higher chance the bones will slip again since they were so far displaced to begin with. He's in a splint for now, but goes back to a specialist Friday to be checked. If everything looks good they will cast him. If the bones have slipped, off to surgery!

Hopefully he will heal up quickly enough that it doesn't put too much of a damper on our plans. Boys will be boys!


Well-known member
The sooner they screw it together the faster he will heal. Sounds like 6-8 weeks to me to heal then he will need to get the hand working again & that is up to him. Kids heal fast. Maybe very end of Jan & Feb he will be riding if all goes well. His new sled should motivate him & stuff happens so lucky it was just the wrist. :) He will be ok soon enough. Screws are good thing just seem bad when you 1st have to consider them. My son inlaw ,as a professional show waterskier, has so many screws in bones & knees I lost count. He never takes pain killers just keeps on keeping on & he is 35. I just tell him if you continue to jump you will continue to get hurt....let somebody else do that. No he does not hear me & is now jumping at Lego Land in Fl.LOL What are you going to do? His body... but my son inlaw ,my daughters husband & Daddy to my grandchildren. I already have 1 son inlaw that can't lift more than 20 pounds with a bad back so I don't need another one that I have to do all the heavy work. I'm way too old for that stuff but keep doing what I have to keep everybody going. :)


Wow he is lucky that is all that happened to him. Kids do heal fast and I bet he will be on the snowmobile before the end of the season. I know it is hard with kids but try and make sure he follows up with exactly what the Dr. prescribes. That will give him the best chance with a quick and full recovery. Best of luck to him.


Glad to hear that is all that happened but still a bummer. My suggestion would be if they give you the option of having surgery, do it. The bones will heal faster and you don't have to worry about it slipping out of place later causing a lifetime of issues. Good luck.


New member

Very sorry to hear about your sons fall. Sounds like everything will work out fine for him & thats the main thing!!

Wishing you and your Family a safe and enjoyable thanksgiving.


New member
Thanks for the kind words and advice. He's scheduled to see an pediatric ortho hand/wrist specialist on Friday. (It helps when your next door neighbor is a nurse in the Children's hospital ortho group.)

Of course it is his right hand and he's right handed. Everyone needs the throttle!

He's already trying to design rigs to be able to play the guitar and trombone with a splint/cast. Maybe he can rig something up for the sled.

(Note that he's putting in no effort to find a way to hold a pen to do his writing homework!)