Bungee Jumping


Well-known member
about 25-30 yrs ago, I was at a place that was doing these jumps off a local railroad bridge, we were at the bridge doing practice rappelling with a local fire department.
when we got done they planned to set up, we stuck about a bit and the first person to JUMP< a younger girl in here early 20's jumped and it was THEN they realized they used the wrong bungee, it was about 5 ft too long
the lady smashed into the water below and we ended up doing a rescue on her and life flighted her out of area when we did!
he had a bunch of broken bones, but she actually ended up being OK
and then the law suit started and that ended the folks ever jumping there or us training there, as the railroad company was dragged into the suit!

Crazy to see, and something I doubt I will ever forget!
and talk about DUMB luck us all being there just finishing a few practice rescues off the bridge
not sure the outcome would have been the same had we all not been there like were already!

and It also sure cured me of ever wanting to try doing that! LOL


Two travelling salesman Bungees walk out of a seedy bar heading back to their motel late at night.
One says to the other... Gee, I hope no mugger jumps us!
The other replied, We should be safe unless we are crossing a bridge...