Burt's pond

Hi John it funny how we name places after our dogs, Burts pond Beezys hole. Our family has one Lucy's island. few years back we were boating out of the south entry and went to a island south of Travers point, through anchor about 30 yards out and told the kids the one that got there first got to name the Island, our Lab Lucy won, and for our family it will always be Lucy's Island.

thanks for doing the journals each week, it keeps us going wile we are back in IL paying for our Bootjack dream.


Staff member
Did Lucy find any rabbits out there?

It's called Traverse Island on the maps, but locals call it Rabbit Island. Used to be a ton of them out there with no predators and lots of food. Have not heard how things are out there now.

it was two years back when we were there and did no see any rabbits, but with all the big rocks and hole's there is a lot of places to hide. Lucy was on the hunt and was not in a hurry to get back to the boat so maybe she saw something we did not.

with all your walks have you ever had a problem with any predators & the dogs, my wife is worried with lucy, we have had a wolf in the drive on the cabin webcam.


Staff member
I have not had any problems with predators and my dogs. I do make sure to make some noise when we are going through the woods on our walks. Most predators in the UP will avoid contact with humans if given the chance.

I have heard about wolves in the Bootjack and Jacobsville area, so a bit of extra caution might not be a bad idea on your part.

caution indeed one nabor had cougar tracks in the garden and we had a wolf in the drive. I would say wildlife in the chipmunk trail Rd area is alive and well. still kind of funny to see my wife a chicago city girl fallow the dog around after dark with a flashlight, poor dog. :)


Not so smart but I have taken my snowmobile out there. You could see the water under the ice and hear it cracking for the last couple of hundred yards. Fun at the time but dumb in hindsight.



Well-known member
We didn't have a place, but we had a truck named for a dog. "Squirts Truck" never left the yard without her in it. It was an old Ford farm truck. One day it started on fire out in the field while my dad was out there doing something. Squirt was napping in the truck when it started on fire. My dad had to run over and get her out or she would have gone down with the ship. She loved that truck.