Bye Bye Backcountry



I noticed in your journal that the Backcountry was heading back to RTE 12. If I remember correctly you have always bought the sled at the end of the year, just curious why you didn't do that this time - not trying to pry, just curious if it was something about the sled. What will you be replacing it with?


Staff member
I haven't always. I bought the first years demo, the 09 and then last years demo, the '12, but gave back the '10 and '11, as well as this years.

I typically only buy it if I have a strong reason to. The 09 I bought to get into the M chassis from the old Polaris edge chassis. Last year I bought to go from the M chassis to the ProClimb. I do have another HighCountry coming from Rt12 next season. Had I not been fortunate to have that presented to me, it would have been a very tough call as to which sled I kept the ProClimb M or the BackCountry. The BackCountry is a better fit for the UP, but the M is better for out west and can certainly work great in the UP too.

So the only reason to give it back was to be spoiled and get a 2014 for next year! Same model, slightly different color combo.
