C&A Razor Ski's


New member
My fellow riders - I am looking to purchase the C&A Razor ski's with 6" carbides for my 08 FX Nytro. Stock Yamaha Ski's blow especially for the way I ride. My track is studded.

Thought's, comments, etc?

Thanks and Think Snow!!!


New member
Way back when I had them on my 2006 Apex 121 (bought them used and put 3,800 miles on them). I really liked them when the sled was moving - they felt really secure with little if any darting. You could comfortably ride with one hand on the grade trails.

When the sled was stopped, it was another story though - I could not turn the handlebars when the sled was standing still. I'd have to get off the sled and yank the loop to turn em.

Obviosuly different sled, with different geometry, but I bet they will be similar on the Nytro.


New member
Let's just say that despite weighing over 600 lbs, that sled felt very nimble on the trails. I was always very confident with those skis through turns. I ran 6" Stud Boy shaper bars and 144 picks.

I think there is a reason many snocrossers use these skis.

Pulling up my trail guy memories here lol.