California storms


New member
It looks like California is in for a pounding next few days with an battery of storms and big rain producers. I am sure pressure and winds have alot to do with what happens next. The question is, this is where our weather in the mid-west will come from next right?


Staff member
In general our weather comes from the west, but that does not mean what California is going through will be heading into the Midwest. The jetstream is just in a favorable position to give them stormy weather and the jet would have to move into a favorable position for the Midwest to receive stormy weather.

I guess basically what I am saying is just because California is stormy right now does not mean the Midwest will be turning stormy soon.

In fact, if there is any correlation, it is usually that when CA is stormy, the Midwest is quiet at the same time.



New member
I watched a California weather forecast just a few minutes ago, the meterologist said that as a result of El Nino 150 to 200 knot winds are shifting the jet stream and that parts of California may get up to 5 inches of rain in a three to four day timeline.

I hope this jet stream change pushes cold in our direction and doesn't set up a pattern of warm air.