Calling on the JD IT Support system

I recently got a new computer and am having a problem getting the tabbed browser to work like my old computer. On my last computer, I could right click on a link and it would open a new tab and not through a drop down menu it would just open it and leave it on the top next to any other tabs that I had open. I have tryed a few things but can't seem to figure it out. I use internet explorer
Any help would be apperciated


New member
skeeter I got the same problem I would like some help on this also Unless it's in the new Windows 7 thats on the new puters may have something to do with that all I know is I would love to be able to have 1 or more tabs and keep them up not cancell them out THINK SNOW and thanks if any one helps out on this :)


Board Admin
In Internet Explorer, go to Tools, then options. Under General you will see Tabs down towards the bottom, then on the right of that you will see settings. Click on settings and you can select how Tabs are used in IE. Just select the otpion to open each window in a new Tab.



New member
IE is a total garbage browser. Do yourself a favor and use either Firefox ( or Google Chrome (

Once you switch, you'll never go back. I just switched from using Firefox for seven years to using Chrome and love it. Bigger, better, faster and it integrates with the other Google products I use. It's a slam dunk....Give it a try, you can always go back to IE if you miss all the "clicking" sounds and want to navigate the web slower..... :)
