Can snow evaporate?


Im here in the Eastern U.P. and the snow totals have decreased quiet a bit... I know that the snow pack settles and shifts around, but if it has been really cold with dry air will the snow evaporate?


Staff member
Yes, snow can go right from it's solid form to a gas. It's called sublimation.

I am sure there has been some snow depth loss due to sublimation in the eastern UP, but I would have to guess that most of it has been due to a warm ground when the snow started falling 2 weeks ago (causing some melting with the ground surface) and then the main reason is just settling. Most of the snow that has fallen in the past 2 weeks has been light and fluffy and compacts a lot over time. Even without new snow on top of it.

Same thing has been happening here on the west end.



Well-known member
I like sublimation. The driveway is steep as heck and we try to keep it clean. Scraping it down good still leaves some in the asphalt. But a few days later the remaining snow has disappeared. Sublimation is much better than a broom.