Car seat for an Equinox Snow Coach.... If you've used one, can you help me out?


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Car seat for an Equinox Snow Coach.... Can you help me out?

We just bought a snow coach for Addy to ride in on the trails. We feel it will be nicer for her as well as safer in the long run. I have a spare car seat to use... but wondered if anyone could help me with some of the little details. It would be much appreciated!

The manufacturer recommends wearing a DOT approved helmet while riding. Addy has one and is comfortable wearing it. How did it work with a 5 point harness car seat?

Did you have trouble buckling the car seat into the coach? The one we have is sitting solid on the seat but because the seat isn't padded like a car/truck seat, it isn't snug when buckled in - no matter how much I lean on it and push it down and pull the seatbelt.

I'd be open to chatting on the phone about this if it works better... just leave me a message
Mrs Russholio
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New member
My 2 daughters have been riding in one for 4 seasons, younger one was in a carseat, no problems. Put a couple eye bolts thru the sides and used another strap at the top. Stuff an old blanket or rug under/behind it.


Well-known member
A few years back a family was using bicycle helmets they would be a lot lighter and not so hard on the child's neck.


Well-known member
We thought of that Harvest, be decided against a bike helmet because her bike helmet is pointed in the back making it difficult to hold her head up straight. We settled on a ski helmet which covers her head and yet is rounded in the back. Thanks!