Careful, Call before you go!


New member
I really hate being a basher, but right now after the warm crazy spell we have had, you should call before you make your trip.

I have noticed some of the webcams that all of a sudden are not connecting since the warm weather. And one of the webcams if you click on the

sponsors site said they just received 6 in of snow and its still falling " dated today ". After checking other cams in the area, its 38 degrees out and foggy.

I have had this happen to me in the past where I check and all seems great until I get there.. Then all of a sudden 6 in of snow turns into a dusting that you

shouldn't ride on.

Sorry, for the negativity. I just hate seeing the cameras being used in a non moral way. If you know someone where you are going, give them a call just to make sure.

Note: The camera site that was posting the bologna was the Cadillac site so you all know.

I hope I didn't make anyone upset, I just don't want anyones vacation time ruined because of a false report.


Staff member
Thanks for the heads up. Thankfully most of the cams have a time stamp on them, which is something I REALLY try and have done so that they will not be misleading. As for the trail conditions, I have no clue what is going on there.


PS. This morning I noticed my woods cam was down since Friday. As soon as I realized it, I wondered how many people were wondering if that was done on purpose. Nope!. Just clueless !


Thanks for the head's up. Just curious, do you check the website daily? I'm a total html notice but it looks like the page may automatically display the current date. The webcam image has a timestamp going back to 1/17/2017


New member
OMG someone is off their damn rocker with that update! lol Looks like they have some code built in that just displays the latest date, and not actually when the report was updated.


I see this morning the report didn't change but the date did. I believe the code automatically shows today's date. Pretty shady!


New member
That's what I would say too. Wouldn't hurt about now to call a local gas station, or restaurant if you didn't know anyone where you are going.

But the weather does look better next week for the U.P.