

New member
Hi John,

Hope this doesn't break the rules, but what is causing this drought? Vague question but was just wondering. I don't remember a pattern lasting this long since '88 and it shows no sign of letting up



Staff member
It's a common misconception that a single pattern is responsible for long term weather anomalies, such as a drought. In reality, it is usually a succession of several different patterns that all produce similar weather anomalies for a particular location that causes the long term weather anomalies. More simply put, your area has been dry since spring, but we have had several different patterns occur for several weeks at a time that have combined to produce these results.

There are times when a dominate pattern sets up and persists for many months and produces weather anomalies. Such was the case in 1988. In that year, a massive upper air ridging pattern set up shop across the central US and produce hot and dry weather from the Rockies to the Appalachians. Severe drought impacted areas from the northern Rockies to the Midwest.

I do not have the actual data in front of me for 1988, so I do not know how well this year matches up with 88 for your individual locale, but I was part of a NWS team that produced extensive review products of the drought of 88 and can say that what is going on across the central US this year pales in comparison to that in 88. Again, I am talking about the entire central US and not a particular location.

For what it is worth, here are the numbers for this year: Since April 1, Green Bay has seen 7.9" of rain, which is 76% of average. Wausau has seen 11.05" of rain, which is 96% of average.



Here in Central Indiana its the driest its been in over 100 years. All the creeks are dry, grass has been brown for months. No Hay for Cattle. All the corn is dead. Its almost looks like arizone here. The weird thing is the winter was very mild and we had a wopping 7" of snow last year. The year prior we had like 36" of snow. I thought it would be a wet summer because we had no snow. This has not been the case. Hopefully no rain or any snow accumulation for the past year means mother natures owes us 5-10 feet of snow here in Cental Indiana to make up for it. Will see.


New member
Just check out all the contrails that we never use to have.Government trying to control weather and screwing up?


Staff member
That seems to be a sensitive subject, heard many theories and alot of side stepping from experts. Any thoughts John?

I have been asked by some very nice men in dark suits and sunglasses to simply reply: "No Comment".

Just kidding. The contrails are caused by moisture condensing in the exhaust of the jet engines. Much like you can see "smoke" coming from a car tail pipe in the cold weather. As to why you see them sometimes and not others, the atmospheric conditions play a role. You need just the right amount of moisture in the air to allow the contrail to form, but not so much that there are clouds present and not so little that the contrail is not visible due to evaporation.

While I cannot prove the government is not trying to control the weather (or our minds), like Bigfoot existing in the UP, I find it highly un-probable. There has been a lot of attempts made to cloud seed or produce precip and results have been very disappointing.

So believe what you may, but to me the evidence strongly points to the simple condensation of moisture from the jet engine exhaust.



New member
I agree with you John, but the the dark suits and sunglasses spin was funny!

If only the weather was controlled like it was in Back to the Future II, now that would be great!

Love all the pictures of your Daughter, enjoy her they grow up fast. I will try to email you a graduation picture of my daughter

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